Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick



The day after it looked like all hope was gone. The day after the crisis. The day after the loss. The day after the unthinkable. The day after the burial. The One they loved the most was no longer around. Many sat in pain and heartbreak in that Silent Saturday. They experienced grief beyond words. They felt helpless and hopeless. They were unsure whether what was promised would come to be. Hearts sat in hope deferred. However, there was a miracle that was on the horizon on the third day. They just had to wait for it.

Family, I feel the heart of our Lord and Savior for you today. I am compelled to encourage you. Christ endured the battle of crucifixion, but the battle came to an end as He said, “It is finished.” However, life was about to begin again and be greater than before.

I know many of you have had to endure a fierce battle in your family and marriages. I know many of you struggle to see how things can turn around, how you will love, laugh, and live life with joy again. I know your hearts have had to endure excruciating pain. Pain that only the Lord knows the depth of and that had you on your knees and tears that were shed countless times behind closed doors. Your hearts have known hope deferred in the wait to see God’s resurrection power in that situation or relationship that became a seed buried and dead in the ground.

I hear the Lord say to you today, “It is finished.” Your season of affliction is finished. The battle against your soul, your family and your marriage are finished. Now is the time for your third day. The days of silence in the wait for the fulfillment of the promise is over. That same power that raised Christ from the dead is still in operation today.

That seed that was buried and dead will come back to life. You will live again. You will laugh again. Your heart will beat again. Your marriage will live again. Your family will live again. You will be happy again, because God's resurrection power on that third day 2000 plus years ago is working on your behalf to bring you your third day.

There was a finish to the battle and there was also a powerful resurrecting restart. Life came out of that tomb. Life began again. He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever more. He sees you family. He has not forgotten you. Your miracle is on the horizon. Your third day is near. You will see His resurrection power and life for you will be greater than before. Family, God’s resurrection power is not just for a three-day period once a year. He is the God of resurrection every day! Your third day resurrection testimony is coming! Just wait for it for it will surely come! Habakkuk 2:3

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick


Your Story, His Glory


In this world we have trials and tribulations, but Christ has overcome for us all (John 16:33). We have all experienced pain and trauma at some level. What we do with the pain and trauma becomes our choice. We either become a prisoner to the pain or we become free from it through Christ Jesus. We either give our power over or we take it back. I urge you to get your power back and do something with what the enemy wanted to destroy you with. Christ suffered, but He overcame. Christ suffered, but He suffered for a Kingdom purpose. There is purpose in your pain.

We see through the life of Christ how He endured to the cross and He overcome the world for you and me. From the moment of His birth there was a hit out for His life. His parents had to hide Him to keep Him safe from the order to slaughter all male children two years and younger (Matthew 2:16). He was persecuted because of His ministry (Luke 4:28-29). He was betrayed by His own disciple and deserted by His friends (Mark 14:43-45 and Mark 14:50). His own people thought He was insane (Mark 3:21). People falsely testified against Him and He was falsely arrested (Mark 14:56-59). He was publicly humiliated as they beat on His head, spit on Him and mocked Him (Mark 15:16-20 and Luke 23:8-12). He was beaten to the point of death (Matthew 27:26) then publicly crucified like a criminal (Matthew 27:33-39).

Many of you know how it feels to be betrayed, violated, falsely accused, publicly humiliated, abandoned, persecuted, judged, treated like a foreigner, and misunderstood.

What do you do about the trauma, the pain, the disappointment? You surrender it at the feet of Jesus. Then you get up and move toward the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14). You turn to the Romans 8:28 and Genesis 50:20 God He is and allow Him to turn your pain and trauma into a story for His glory and the saving of thousands of lives. What you went through was not in vain. God does not waste anything so let Him use you for His glory.  

 Christ overcame for you and now you overcome the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony (Revelation 12:11). “And if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:17-18). Family, this is the glory year! It is the year for you to be overtaken by God’s glory and to testify to others for His glory! He is turning your trauma to triumph!

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick



Today, I had a vision of a beautiful piece of wood, and I heard the word “reclaimed.” I knew at once this was a word for those who have endured loss. I heard the Lord say, “My people shall reclaim what was lost. They will recover what the enemy took from them as it is being returned to them.”

To reclaim means to retrieve or recover. This fresh word from the Lord excited me as a few weeks ago, I heard the Lord say, “It is time to retrieve.” For a year now, the Lord has also been showing me that His people were in a recover all season. Someone needs to know that just because 2022 ended, your season of recovery has not! God is not done! The Holy Spirit has highlighted Joel 2:25 for 2023 for those who have endured loss and have been waiting for the recovery. I hear Him saying, “I will make it up to you this year.”

As reclaimed continued to resound within me, I began to see individuals reclaiming their joy, peace, hope, prayer lives, health, purpose in life, and relationships that the enemy took captive. I saw families reclaim unity and reconciliations take place both to God and to one another. I saw marriages reclaim vows and promises made, yet broken, being restored. I saw the Lord taking marriages and families that were worn out and filling them all with new life. I saw the Lord taking what looked useless and hopeless and reviving it, bringing forth a usefulness and hope that will inspire many others as they saw what the Lord had done. Holy Spirit has highlighted Philemon 1:11-12, “who formerly was useless to you, but now is useful both to you and me. I have sent him back to you in person, which is sending my very heart.” These scriptures show both something reclaimed and returned. Just as I typed those words, I once again hear the Lord saying, “It is homecoming season for the prodigals.” Hallelujah!

I saw church leaders reclaim their courage and faith and rather than the fear of man and loss of memberships, they began to preach the Word of God that exposed sin that was destroying individuals, marriages, and families. I saw those who have been silent because of fear reclaiming their voice. I saw the Lord taking everything that once had a purpose, then lost its purpose find purpose again.

Holy Spirit has also highlighted 1 Samuel 30:1-20. I believe what He is saying to those of you who went from victory to loss of something precious to you and the battle your soul endured from it, that your victory is being reclaimed and you will have full recovery, plus more (see Ephesians 3:20). What He did for David and his house, He will do for yours! I hear an abundance of testimonies coming; retrievals, recoveries, restorations, reconciliations, and resurrections are in store for you. You are reclaiming it all!


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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick



The Lord is saying in this hour this is the year the remnant will roar louder and say, “enough is enough.” This is the year the remnant is rising with a roar louder than ever and with a hammer in their hands. The hammer will be used to slay ever giant that has operated in the lives of individuals, families, marriages, and government. The hammer is bringing defeat to every demonic principality that has brought strife, division, perversion, violence of every kind to the innocent both born and unborn and corruption that has brought oppression against God’s people. The Lord long ago decreed “enough is enough” and now in the land of the living, the remnant is echoing His words. This agreement between the Lord and His people has now established 2023 as the set time to repay evil for evil and for those who have wept in tears to reap their rewards. Using a rug to cover up sin and generational curses is no longer aloud. The rug is being pulled out and darkness is being exposed. The rise and the roar of restore from the remnant has been seen and heard and the Lord is saying to His people that you will no longer be oppressed. The captives are being set free and will take captive the powers of darkness. The powers of darkness will no longer have the power it has had that has brought oppression to individuals, families, marriages, and the government. Enough is enough!

I heard the Lord say, “The year of 2023 will be like the days of Ezekiel.” Every dead seed that has been buried will now spring forth new life. What looked like it was over is being resuscitated by the resurrection power of God. Families and marriages that were buried because of the spirit of division, divorce, lust, jealousy, anger, unforgiveness are coming back alive, but they will be stronger than they were before. The Lord is removing the stones in hearts as He does an open-heart surgery on those who have allowed sin, bitterness, and unforgiveness to pollute relationships that He has required to be loving and Christ-like. Where there was pride, humility will now be seen. Hearts are coming back to the Lord. Families are coming back to the Lord. Marriages are coming back to the Lord. The nations will come back to the Lord. The valley of dry bones shall see the resurrection power of the Lord this year.

I heard the Lord say, “This will be the year of the overtaken by My glory. This will be the year that generations to come will hear about.” There was a shockwave of God’s glory that began in 2022, but there are still many miracles to be seen and testified of. 2023 will be the year to see the fruit of faith and perseverance. In 2022 many were left with, “It hasn’t happened yet,” but 2023 will be the year they say, “Just like that the Lord did it.” The chapter on the pain and trauma of the past has come to an end and a new chapter is unfolding with the glory of God filling every page.


Scripture references: Judges 4, Ezekiel 37:1-14, John 1:14, John 11:40

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

Christmas Miracles


The Lord has been speaking to me for the past few months telling me that angels are on assignment. He has said angels are at war bringing battles to an end. He said angels are stirring the waters and within the waters are countless miracles. He has said that angels are going to be visiting His people bringing good news. For many months the Lord has continued to speak to me that miracles were coming to households and these miracles would touch everyone within the house, extended family, and friends. He said all will see His glory.

Family I'm here to tell you that you are about to see the glory of God. Dreams and relationships that appeared dead will be resurrected. Doctors will be astonished at miraculous healings. Wombs will be open to conceive gifts from Heaven. Marriages will experience Divine turnarounds and Divine resets. Those who went astray from God are doing U-turns and returning to God. Seeds that fell into the ground, died and had been buried will suddenly come forth and go forth reaping a harvest for the Kingdom of God. Others are going to come to believe in God because of what they witnessed happen in your life. Others will testify of the amazing miracles they see in your life. John 11:45 says, “from that day forward many of those who had come to visit Mary believed in Him, for they had seen with their own eyes this amazing miracle!” This is your Lazarus and Mary season family! What was impossible to man will be placed on display for God’s glory. Those who doubted that God would intervene, turn it around, breathe new life into it, and restore it will no longer doubt God.

On November the 30th as I was spending time in God’s Word the Holy Spirit highlighted Luke 1:37 for the month of December. For the next few days Holy Spirit continued stirring within me prophetic words He has given me since the beginning of 2022. Then on December 10th, I heard three times within my spirit, “Christmas Miracles.” I was taking back to Amos 9:11-15 immediately and as I have heard for months; I heard the Lord once again say, “miracles upon miracles will be seen in the land and testimonies will come forth.”

On December 12th, as I was resting before the Lord, I was given a vision and, in that vision, I saw within a home a miraculous healing of an individual on a bed who others thought was at their end suddenly stand up. I then saw people gathered around a Christmas tree and they were filled with great joy as there was restoration within their family.  I then saw a woman in the home look out the window and before her eyes, unexpectedly, was a prodigal loved one walking down the driveway. This prodigal physically looked like a mess, but I knew this one had come to their senses and returned to where he belonged. I then saw the family all rejoice together as they were overtaken by one miracle after another. This vision showed me everything the Lord has been speaking to me for months and that I have been prophesying. The vision showed me exactly what the Lord said that He was going to do which was “just like that” manifest the miracles and “all at once” miracle upon miracle would be seen in the land. This vision all took place within one home and in that home was a miracle of healing, restoration, reconciliation, and a return and ALL saw the glory of God!

Family I know that you have been fighting the good fight of faith and I'm here to tell you that because you have hoped against all hope and you have not turned away from the Lord, the Lord our God is going to match His faithfulness with your faith this season. This is your due season. This is a season of miracles. The Lord says, “Christmas Miracles.” Nothing is impossible with God. The Lord says, “I will fill your house with My glory in ways you have never seen before. The latter will be greater than the former.” He says, “tears of joy shall come upon families as I bring their prodigal home. Extra chairs will be placed around tables to make room for the return of loved ones. Where there was once silence at tables from the absence of the prodigals there will be joyful conversations because I, the Lord fulfilled My promise.” He says to those of you who have been sick in your body that, “your sickness is not going to end in death.” He is changing the doctor's report. To those of you who have prayed for a child it is time to get the nursery ready.

Family, I am sharing Scriptures with you in which the Lord has spoken to me and will be standing Scriptures for you. I encourage you to get your Bibles out and sit with our loving Father who is preparing a very Merry Christmas for you. The King of Glory is preparing a glory show and you are the guest of honor. Merry Christmas family!  

Luke 1:37, John 11:40, John 11:45, Genesis 45:15, Haggai 2:5-9, Amos 9:11-15, Jeremiah 32:37-42

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick



Last night I had a dream in which I saw a family driving into a church parking lot. The husband and wife got out of their vehicle with their children and as they were walking up to the church door the husband was walking ahead of his family. The husband had a cold look on his face. He seemed as though he was disgusted to have his wife and children with him. He was ignoring them and leaving them behind. Once they entered the door of the church which was a mega church, the husband’s countenance changed. He continued walking ahead of his family and ignoring them. The wife and children were trying to keep up with him. The church was lit up with lights flashing and hundreds of people were standing up with their arms up in the air. I saw the husband go down the aisle and then turn into a row of seats. He was full of excitement and laughter, nothing like his appearance in the parking lot with his family. I saw the husband turn around and raise his hands and give a high 10 to a female behind him. Then all the people began to sit down. The wife along with the children was still standing in the aisle and as she watched her husband give this high 10 to this female in the row behind him, I saw the brokenness of her heart. I saw the wife look at the female in hurt and as she looked at the female behind her husband, I saw the female smiling demonically at the wife. The wife just stood there with her children heartbroken. She then looked over at her husband who had sat down with no extra seats around him. I saw him just look at her and, in his head, I knew he was saying what is your problem. The wife moved through the people that were sitting and walked up to her husband and said, “you are not going to do this to our family. This is wrong.” Everyone was just watching the wife like she had an issue, and they all had a look of gladness on their faces. They were happy to see this woman and her children hurt. They were happy to see the husband abandon and reject his family. The husband being very upset with her stood up and walked her back out to the aisle then he went up a few rows and went to another seat and sat down. The wife again stood in the aisle looking at her very angry husband who also was portraying himself as a victim at this point. She then took her children and told them to tell him goodbye because they were going home, and he was not coming. The husband just looked at the wife and the children and the look on his face spoke the words I wish you all would leave. I then watched the wife take her children and walked out of the church. Every one of the leaders from ushers to door greeters to parking lot attenders ignored the wife and her children as they walked back to their car crushed in spirit. The wife then pulled out of the parking lot leaving the church and as she did the parking lot attenders stood with smiles on their faces continuing to wave others who were coming in while completely ignoring this woman and her children who were leaving.

What I witnessed within the church was not people with their hands raised up in worship but more so like a concert. The people were not there for the prophetic. They were there for a performance. Upon awakening from this dream, I felt very grieved in my spirit for this family. This dream represented the church standing behind a spouse dishonoring his family and marriage covenant. It represented the church turning their eyes from the hurting, because the focus was more on filling rows of people to enjoy the performance. It represented an individual and family being wounded within the church. It represented wolves in sheep clothing who speak of God, but their hearts are not pure, and they carry selfish and evil agendas. It represented the masks that people wear: the spouse was dishonoring and hard-hearted to his family, but around others he made it look like he had it all together and that he was the victim. The parking lot attenders put on the smile as if their church was the perfect place to be, but I know what I saw in the church: performance, deception, witchcraft, accolades of man, and people in leadership positions that was not leading others to Christ but into oppression through tolerance and deception.

The Lord spoke to me, and this is the message He has given me to deliver:

“I have seen what has been within My church and among My people. I am putting an end to the performance. I will longer tolerate the church to remain silent and the church will no longer tolerate sin. I am dealing with leaders within the church who carry their Bible but do not live by it. I am causing leaders who have created performances within My church to pack up their belongs as I am removing them from leadership positions. I will no longer tolerate the church to place a Band-Aid on the pain of My people from broken covenants nor support those who abandon their covenants with the one I joined them to. The marriage crisis within the church started in the pulpit and I, The Chief Cornerstone, am taking back My rightful place. I am a covenant keeping God and I am brining remembrance of this to My church. I am going to deal with those within My church who profess I am their God, but their hearts are unclean, and they have dishonored My name and polluted My truth out of their selfish agendas. I am exposing and removing every spirit of witchcraft within My church that has caused the spirit of division among My people. I am bringing to humility those who stood by and did nothing when I sent My hurting to them. I am unmasking the mask upon the imposters and the wolves in sheep clothing will be exposed. I am exposing false prophets and removing leaders who decree one thing in the pulpit to gain accolades of man, but then lead My people astray as they privately do not lay hold of their pulpit teaching. I am going to deal with those who use some of My Word to tickle the ears of people in the pulpit but ignore the rest of My Word that brings real repentance and restoration. I am bringing judgement to the wicked and those who have disrupted My church with corruption shall be exposed. I am no longer allowing My church to remain silent because I am breaking the silence through deliverers, I have raised up for such a time as this. Time is up for My church to play church and destroy both spiritual houses and the homes of My people. There will be a performance, but it will not be by man this time. I am coming with a shockwave of My glory just as I have decreed long ago. The enemy had a little time, and I gave My people time to repent. Time is up and I am taking back My church and giving it to My people who will stand firm on My Word and not water it down out of fear of man. I am coming with vengeance and deliverance. I have heard the cry of the oppressed and I am bringing deliverance to My people. I am delivering them from the chains the wicked has placed on them. Because they have suffered, I am not only delivering them, but I am also delivering My promises to My people that the wicked has tried to keep from them. This is the hour of great deliverance. This is also an hour to see My restoration power. I am restoring My people back to Me, I am restoring My church, I am restoring everything the enemy has stolen from My people. My people will testify of miraculous restorations as I restore souls and families. Those who stood by and did nothing to bring restoration to marriages I ordained will come to repentance. They have called themselves ordained, but they only participated in the wedding ceremony and coward down as they stood by to observe the attack on the covenant. Again, I am bringing judgement. I am removing leaders who opened the door to sin and celebrated it by continuing to allow it to come in because they kept silent. I am bringing order where there has been disorder. My church will be a place of worship and for the broken. The days of performance and hurting the broken are over as I am doing a new thing. Judgement is here for the wicked and rejoicing is here for My remnant who cried out for this deliverance and restoration. Nothing has gone unnoticed in My eyes. Those who have been oppressed will see that I remember them. None of My Words will be delayed any longer. It is now My performance time,” thus says the Lord.

 Amos 3:8

Amos 4:11-13

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

Stay in the Game!


1 Timothy 6:12—"Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

Last night I had a prophetic dream from the Lord. In the dream I was on a football field dressed in a football uniform. It was game day, and I was one of the players. As I looked around, I saw thousands of people in the stands. I knew that I was in an uncommon position as it is uncommon for women to play football in the NFL. There was complete silence in the dream at first, but I could discern the thoughts of the people. There were many who were pumped up for gameday and ready to see my team win the game. They were cheerleaders there to cheer for the team they believed in. These ones were not concerned that I was a woman or where I came from. Their focus was on the victory prize. There were also many who was curious about who I was and my ability to stick with the men on my team. These ones had doubt in me. Then there were many who I knew wanted to see me fall and be taken out of the game. These ones were haters. They simply did not want me there or believed I belonged. The game began and the first two quarters were rough. Both teams were determined to win, but what stood out the most was the determination and fight within me. There I was among huge men double my size, but I stayed in the game and hung with them. I was being battled and bruised in this fight for the victory, but each time the opposing team did something against me, I then saw myself throwing touchdown passes and catching passes making a touchdown. At the end of the second quarter, you could tell that all the players on my team were wore out. It was a fierce two quarters. I then saw myself in the locker room at halftime and as the other players left to go back out on the field, I sat there for a minute. I could then hear the crowd talking. Many was saying, “She is coming back. Nothing can take her down.” Others were yelling, “There is no way she is coming back. She can’t handle it.” I thought to myself why do these people not want to see me comeback? Why do they dislike me so much when they don’t know me? Why do they want to see me give up? Why are they so focused on me and not the victory? A fire stirred in me as I knew I was called to this team, and I was not going to let them down. I stood up and headed back to the field.  As I began walking out of the locker room, I was seeing items thrown all over the floor. Those items I knew were there to slow me down from returning to the field and as a deter to my mission which was to fight for my team, fight for those who believed and get our victory. I saw myself leaving the locker room and though still battle weary from the first two quarters and even discouraged by the negative thoughts and words of the people I showed back up. I showed up to finish what I started. I showed up because I knew I was supposed to be in that position and fight with and for my team. Two more quarters came and went and though it was another hard fight for the win, we ended in victory. I saw how the opposing team had no strength to even leave the field. I then saw all the thousands of people begin to leave the stadium. Many were talking and excited about the win. Others walked out saying nothing with their heads down. I could tell many of them looked ashamed and others were simply shocked that we won.

Upon waking up from this dream, I immediately began to ask the Lord the fullness of what He was showing me. Over the next few hours in fellowship with Him, I knew it was not only a message for me, but for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I heard the Lord say, “Stay in the game.” He took me to 2 Samuel 21:15-22 where David went down to fight the Philistines with his servants and David become weary. The war wore him out. Many years earlier David defeated Goliath and now another giant, Ishbi-benob intended to kill David. Rather than stand by and do nothing, Abishai stepped in and stepped up. David’s men then tell David he is not going out again and that they are going to take care of things. One giant was down, but there were three more to go. Time and time again war started up and a giant came once again to try to defeat David and his men, but because they stayed in the game all four giants fell by the hand of David and the hand of his servants (verse 22). Wore out, but they outlasted the enemy and refused to give the enemy their victory. We see a man called, chosen, and positioned as well as a people called, chosen, and positioned around him with purpose. We see a team sticking together. We see a team willing and ready to fight for one another and fight the enemy together.

I believe God is showing us all the importance and power we have when we are on the same team. I believe He is showing us that as a team we are to protect one another and walk in one accord toward all our victory prizes.  Then the Lord took me to Jude 17-25. He revealed to me that myself in the dream also represented others who carry a voice of truth, a love for His people, a Kingdom assignment and are standing on His Word for the promises and salvation of His people. He spoke to me through His Word and showed me the people in the stands who were the doubters and haters represent those who try to cause division, are worldly minded, devoid of the Spirit, and in the flesh. He spoke to me and said, “You must continue fighting for My people and declaring My truth. You must show mercy to those who oppose you and you must also refuse to allow the giants to silence you. Do not allow the attacks of the enemy to cause you to slow down or stumble. Remain in integrity, keep your eyes fixed on your mission, and stay in the game and stick to My gameplan. Like David, you will conquer every giant.”

What the Lord said to me, He is also saying to you! I know I am talking to someone who you carry something different, and the enemy doesn’t like it. Your anointing has attracted giants your whole life. Like David, you defeat one and another one comes out. It is because you are called, chosen, and positioned to do what you are doing. Someone needs to know that the call on your life may seem uncommon due to different factors but look at Deborah in the Book of Judges. It was very uncommon for a female to be a judge in those days! Be you and do the uncommon because it is your Kingdom assignment. Someone needs to know that you must keep standing on God’s truth for the promise and walk in obedience to God, following His gameplan regardless how ridiculous or impossible it may look. You must keep standing even though the enemy continues to try to knock you off your feet with discouragement. Someone needs to know that the enemy is sending giant silencers to silence your voice, because you carry the voice of truth and that is a threat to the enemy. Goliath was not the only giant and as we see he had brothers. Different giants and each brought a different fight, but for the same purpose: to take God’s chosen out of the game. Family stay in the game! No matter how many blows the enemy brings, keep getting up and showing up. Jude 17-25 shows us that it is our duty to fight for God’s truth and fight the good fight of faith for our victories and for His glory!

I was a chosen player because it was my duty to fight for the victory. Regardless of the blows from the enemy, I showed back up because it was bigger than myself. It was for God and His people. I wasn’t alone though even in my weariness, because God had positioned others around me to fight the good fight of faith. He positioned others to help me with the victory for His Kingdom and others who were cheering us on. It was their victory to. It was a victory that belonged to us all. It belonged to the Kingdom of God. Family you are responsible for the enemy’s victory or defeat. You are a chosen player for the Kingdom. How you follow God’s strategies and the choice to show up no matter what determines the enemy’s outcome. Again, stay in the game, bring the victory home for the Kingdom! I am cheering you on with all of Heaven.


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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick



The enemy had a plot, but God had a plan to bring a surprise twist to his plot and to turn it all around for your good! The Lord says, “Your table is ready!” He also says, “The gallows are ready for the enemy and every principality that came against you.”

Queen Esther knew of the plot by Haman against her people. She did not retreat in fear but rather placed her faith in God. She prepared to stand for what was right. She was humble, prayerful, courageous, and wise. She was so wise that Haman did not see the twist to his plot coming. However, at the very table Haman had thought was his time of promotion was the table God had prepared for his defeat. In that moment at the table the flipping of the script, the Divine overturning, the Divine intervention, and the plot twist was delivered. The very gallows Haman prepared for God's people was to his surprise used for him. I am compelled to tell you that for such a time as this your table is prepared and in the presence of your enemies you shall be crowned with favor and victory. God is going to show His faithfulness to your faith in Him.

My brother and sister in Christ, I do not know what you have had to go through this past season, but I do know we serve a Romans 8:28, a Genesis 50:20, and an Ephesians 3:20 God who always has a plan for our good. This is your due season to sit at the table prepared for you and see God make good on His promise. The battle has been fierce, but the battle has prepared you for the table. I see breakthroughs, miracles, promises fulfilled, restorations, recompense, retribution, prodigals coming home, vindication, and reconciliations upon the tables. I see you at the table the Lord says is ready for you. I see you rejoicing and celebrating the outcome you once hoped for, but now is seen in the land of the living.

Please see Esther 4-7, Hebrews 11:1, Psalm 27:13-14, Numbers 23:19 for standing Scriptures.

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

Prophetic Word for Kingdom Standers


This morning as I was spending time with the Lord on my patio, I noticed a cardinal fly into a tree and land on a branch. He began to chirp and as he was chirping, I heard, “There is going to be a call” in my spirit. Then a few seconds later I saw a female red bird fly onto another branch of the tree. I heard the Lord say, “answer the call.” The cardinal then flew into another tree and sat on a branch then the female red bird began chirping. I then heard in my spirit “I have whistled for them.”

The cardinal flew back into the other tree and sat on a branch above the female red bird. I continued watching them and then together they flew off. I then heard, “I am bringing the two back together.” A butterfly then flew above my fence. I then heard in my spirit, “Out of the ashes they will rise, and new beginnings are beginning.” Zechariah 10:8 came to my spirit. “I will whistle for them to gather them together for I have redeemed them; and they will be as numerous as they were before.” I knew the Lord was speaking to me about the restoration of Kingdom marriages. I continued to sit there as His presence captivated me and as I sat, I began to hear numerous birds chirping. I was captivated by what I was seeing and hearing. Several cardinals were flying about along with numerous other kinds of birds. I noticed several baby birds flying into the trees and some would land in my yard. One of them even came and sat on my patio fence right in front of me. As I watched these little ones flying around a joy unspeakable filled my spirit. The Lord showed me these baby birds represented all the children impacted by broken marriages and I knew then the restoration power of God was going to touch them and turn their sadness into joy, and they would be set free from the torment within their souls because of what the enemy tore down. I heard in my spirit, “I am rebuilding homes as I promised.” Family, a restoration miracle is getting ready to change your family forever!

I had never seen so many birds in my trees at one time and the sound of their chirping was like music from Heaven. In my captivation, I heard in my spirit, “I am going to put on a glory show for My people.” God made Himself very clear during this time with Him on my patio and His power compelled me to get up and come write what I know He is speaking over Kingdom marriages who have been waiting for restoration.

Here what the Lord is saying, “I will strengthen the House of Judah, and I will save the House of Joseph, and I will bring them back, because I have had compassion on them; And they will be as though I had not rejected them. Ephraim will be like a mighty man, and their heart will be glad as if from wine; indeed, their children will see it and be glad, their heart will rejoice in the Lord. I will whistle for them to gather them together, for I have redeemed them; and they will be as numerous as they were before. When I scatter them among the peoples, they will remember Me in far countries, and they with their children will live and come back. I will bring them back from the land of Egypt.” Zechariah 10:6-10

My brothers and sisters in Christ, the time of restoration is here. Restoration phone calls is about to be heard throughout the earth. You are getting ready to testify of a Divine reset, of a miraculous recovery, and of God’s restoration, reconciliation, and resurrection power. One cardinal landed in the yard, and as I watched him for several minutes move about, I saw with my spiritual eyes people of God taking back their land. Truly you are getting ready to enjoy being overtaken in God's glory show. The pain, rejection, abandonment, betrayal, separation, and hardship from the battle is becoming ashes under your feet to dance upon while singing your victory song that He has triumphed gloriously. Your prayers and faith decrees over your broken marriage has been heard in Heaven as a love whistle for the restoration of your marriage and He has returned the whistle. They are returning! For a long time, heaven has celebrated your victory prize and you are now getting ready to celebrate too!

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick



If you have been standing on a promise from the Lord and have felt battle weary, then this word is for you. The Lord has been showing me that many are wore out and some were giving up fighting the good fight of faith because the promises have been under such contention. I say to you family, do not give up, stay strong, do not lose your courage, for you are getting ready to reap the reward of your faith! 1 Timothy 1:18 encourages us to keep the prophesies decreed over our lives and to use those prophesies as weapons to wage in the spiritual warfare. You must continue to decree by faith those prophesies spoken over you, those promises given to you by God for the time of establishment is NOW in fulfillment. A woman who gives birth has that one last push before her baby is born. I believe your final push has come and you are about to see the fulfillment of the promise!  

My brothers and sisters in Christ, that promise you have been waiting on is NOW in its time of fulfillment says the Lord! The enemy wants you to wear out and back out of the race. Stay in faith! Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” I know how hope deferred can make the heart sick, but I also know that a promise fulfilled awakens the soul. I believe the Lord is getting ready to bring you an awakening that is going to change your life, your family, your marriage, and your ministry forever. This is your due season to reap from those tears you have sown.

Daniel 7:25-26 speaks of the enemy trying to wear the saints out to make alterations in times. We know the enemy had been given a little time according to the Scripture and we also know the time comes when judgement comes, and the enemy loses. Daniel 7:27 shows the shift in the warfare and all power and dominion is given to the people of God. Family, I hear the Lord saying to you today, “The shift is here. The shift is now and the promise I gave you shall no longer be delayed. I have decreed judgement and that which you lost or was stolen from you, that promise I made you is being placed in your hands. No more contention over the promise. It is time for your victory to be seen upon the earth and for you to testify.”

For a few weeks the Lord has been showing me ashes from the wicked under the feet of His people; however, they are just not under their feet, God’s people are dancing on the ashes. Family, we are getting ready to enter the Jewish Year 5783 in September. 5783 is The Year of Gimmel. Gimmel means a time of retribution, reward, justified repayment, recompense, vindication, and judgement! Can you perceive the season? Daniel 7:26 says, the court will sit for judgement and satan’s dominion will be taken away and destroyed forever. Here what the Lord is saying to you family! The time of the rewards for your faith and judgement against the wicked is here. Again, I ask, can you perceive the season? God is flipping the script on the enemy and making the wicked ashes under your feet to dance upon in victory and with the joy of the Lord! Not only is the battle over, but that which was lost or stolen from you is getting placed back in your hand! You are getting ready to recover all and God is going to reward your faith in Him and repay you for all that has been robbed from you!

Family, the days of affliction are coming to an end, and you are stepping into a new season! The attack on you, your home, your marriage, your children, your reputation, your health, your ministry is being overturned and placed under your feet as ashes to be danced upon. The Lord is going to bring vindication and He is going to restore all that was stolen, rebuild what the enemy tore down and give you recompense. You were crushed by despair, but the Lord is acting on your behalf and your mourning shall become praises. My brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord our God, shall suddenly, swiftly act on your behalf and bring a crushing to the enemy leaving only ashes under your feet. Get your dancing shoes on and get ready for Gimmel! Get ready for vindication, recompense, restoration, and more faith rewards!

(See 2 Chronicles 15:7, Romans 12:12, Isaiah 66:9, Proverbs 13:12, Malachi 4:2-3, Romans 16:20, Joel 2:25 as standing Scriptures)



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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

The Pieces of the Puzzle are Coming Together!


Recently I took my little girls to the park. At this park there is a beautiful flower garden in front of the playground. I had noticed this day there were some broken bricks on a picnic table in which at one time were used as a wall around the entrance of the playground and each brick had a child’s handprint on it. I noticed there were several pieces of the bricks missing and thought to myself that they would not be able to restore the bricks and would have to simply replace the bricks. The girls and I began to walk toward the flower garden and within the garden which is a distance from where the bricks on the wall had broken, I looked down and saw a tiny piece of one of the bricks. From that moment on the girls and I decided to walk around the area looking for pieces of the missing bricks. They love to treasure hunt and this time I found myself enjoying the hunt. We found big pieces, small pieces, and very tiny pieces throughout the park. We had taken what we gathered and placed the pieces on the picnic table where someone else had placed a few other pieces. As I looked down at the table with all the pieces of broken bricks, I heard the Lord say, “I am bringing the pieces of the puzzle together.” I realized in that moment the whole time we were hunting and carefully looking for pieces of the bricks and many of them found under dirt and grass we were combing through that the Lord was showing me what He was doing for His people. The girls and I sat at the table and with excitement and determination we began to connect the pieces of the bricks together. As we were able to connect many pieces of the broken bricks together there was one brick in which we had found every piece and connected each piece in which the brick lacked not one broken piece! As I looked at the handprint on this brick that was restored, I heard the Lord say again, “I am bringing the pieces of the puzzle together. By My hand I am doing this. I am restoring all that has been lost, stolen and tore down by the enemy with nothing missing.”

My brothers and sisters in Christ I do not know what promise you have waited for to come into fruition or what it is that you have been trying to figure out how it could possibly work out but let me assure you the Lord is bringing what He promised you into fruition. What has looked impossible and would never happen in the natural is coming together like pieces of the puzzle by the very hand of the Lord. He knows which pieces of the puzzle is needed and where they are to bring about a Kairos moment that you have hoped for and stood in faith for. Family, the puzzle pieces are coming together, and I decree you shall see the glory of the Lord in the completion of what He started. See Romans 8:28, 1 Samuel 30:18-19, Isaiah 64:3-4, Jeremiah 33:6-7, Philippians 1:6, and Luke 1:37 for standing Scriptures

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

I will hasten My Word


Recently the Holy Spirit has been speaking the word “hasten” within my spirit. As I sat with the Lord a few days ago, “hasten” once again came to my spirit. I then heard the Lord speak, “I am bringing about your suddenly, sooner than you expected. I will hasten My Word to perform it.” Immediately I knew this was an encouraging word for you, my brother and sister in Christ. The Lord highlighted Jeremiah 1:12 from the KJV. I feel compelled to tell you, my family in Christ that which you have believed the Lord for and have stood in faith for, the Lord is getting ready to bring into full fruition, suddenly and unexpectedly. The decrees the Lord has made over you are about to suddenly happen before your eyes (Isaiah 48:3).  The enemy has tried to convince many of you the promise you have been standing on, waiting for would never be fulfilled, but the enemy is a liar, and that promise is going to be fulfilled because it cannot return to the Lord unfulfilled (Isaiah 55:10-11). Your eyes have not seen nor have your ears heard of the unexpected fulfillment of the promise the Lord has for you (1 Corinthians 2:9, Isaiah 64:3-4). I sense many of you have battled discouragement because the wait has been long, but I also feel to tell you the Lord is going to turn your disappointment into a joyful shout as He brings a sudden breakthrough that will turn everything around for you (Proverbs 13:12). The Lord says, “The delay is over. I will perform My Word. I have spoken and NOW I will act as I am a Keeper of My Word” (Ezekiel 12:28). Now to Him who  will do far beyond what we dreamed of and to Him be the glory forever (Ephesians 3:20).   

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

Restoration is Coming to Your Home!


Recently on 06/16/22, I was sitting with the Lord and having a conversation over broken homes and marriages that were heavy on my heart. The Lion of Judah has been roaring restore over Kingdom marriages and families and He has put a roar of restore within me for His people. As I sat on my patio, I asked the Lord what He wanted to say. I knew because I was feeling the brokenness of these homes in that moment that the Lord was also thinking of them. I heard Him say, “Gabriel.” Immediately, I knew He was telling me of one of the most famous angels in His Kingdom. Then suddenly I had a vision of the Angel Gabriel standing in front of what looked like thousands of other angels. They were all in a position getting ready to move. I knew they had an assignment and were about to move to fulfill their assignment! I knew the Lord was giving me a prophetic word to decree to His people and for the next few days I sat with Him to hear what He had to say. First, He had me look at the role of Gabriel throughout His Word. He highlighted to me that Gabriel was a deliverer of GOOD NEWS. Then He highlighted the story of Gabriel when he appeared to Mary (Luke 1:26-31). It was in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy Gabriel appeared before Mary. Luke 1:28, “Gabriel appeared to her and said, ‘Rejoice, beloved young woman, for the Lord is with you and you are anointed with favor.” Though Mary was troubled, Gabriel said, “Do not yield to your fear, Mary, for the Lord has found delight in you and has chosen to surprise you with a wonderful gift,” (Luke 1:30). We know this wonderful gift was our precious Lord and Savior.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, even as I write this word from the Lord to you, I am captivated by His Glory. There is an excitement and a fire within me I have never experienced before. I have good news for you so hear what the Lord has to say to you!  “I have positioned My angel Gabriel and a host of angels to go with him to bring forth sudden, unexpected, good news to your home. This is not just another Word of restoration Gabriel is bringing. This is the manifestation of that which I have promised you. Just as I surprised Mary with a gift, I am also bringing a surprise to your doorstep. That which you have stood in faith for because you heard that promise I had spoken to you, you will see Me as your Promise Maker keep My promise. You will see that truly I was watching faithfully over My Word to perform it in due season. It is due season. I have commissioned My angels to go fulfill their assignment over your home. I am doing this for My namesake and for My glory. I am doing this now because I want to show you My miracle working restoration power and I also desire to use you as an agent of My restoration power to others. Thank you for trusting Me even during some of the most difficult times of the warfare against your home. I am going to restore everything with nothing missing. All has been recovered and all shall be delivered to your home this day, thus says I the Lord your God.”

Oh, my precious family in Christ! I celebrate the restoration power of God in your homes! I celebrate your victory! I urge you to be expecting! The Lord has highlighted the month of June to me. I do not believe it is a coincidence that it was in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy the angel Gabriel showed up, unexpectedly with a good news gift! The time is here for the manifestation of your promise!

Luke 1:37 “Not one promise from God is empty of power. NOTHING is impossible with God!” 

Joshua 21:45 “Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.”

1 Kings 8:56 “Blessed be the Lord, who has given rest to His people Israel, according to all that He promised; not one word has failed of all His good promise, which He promised through Moses His servant.”

Let us sing, “He has triumphed gloriously!”

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

Get Ready For A Spring Kiss From God

Word of the Lord given in the early morning of 04/01/22

"Threats of violence will no longer be heard in your land, nor will destruction and ruin be found within your borders. You will name your walls Salvation and your gates Praise.”—Isaiah 60:18

"I am Yahweh, and when the right time comes, I will accomplish it swiftly!”—Isaiah 60:22

Many of you endured a harsh winter. The battle against your destiny, your family, your health, your loved ones has been brutal, but the season of violence against you, your family, your loved ones, your health, your soul is over. You stood still even in the midst of pain and now you shall see the salvation of the Lord (Exodus 14:13). The enemies you have seen you will never see again. Winter is over. Spring is here. The time, the right time is NOW. Ecclesiastes 3:1–there is a time for every event under Heaven. Your event is on the schedule marked with swiftly. Resets, recoveries, restorations, reconciliations, recompense, redemption, resurrections and rest has come and you shall be overtaken with tears of joy. The weeping has come to an end. The seeds of tears are about to swiftly be seen in new beginnings sprouting forth. Suddenly God will act. Suddenly it will come to pass.—Isaiah 48:3. Get ready for a Spring kiss from God!

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

For His Name Sake He Will Do It!

At 3:48 on the morning of April 4, 2022, I woke up to the strong presence of the Lord. Immediately, I was captivated by His presence. I could feel Him standing over me and oh how I wish I could have also seen His face, but He was there, and this was the Holy visitation He was telling me of for the last few months that was coming. I heard Him say, “For My namesake I will do it.” I was speechless! His presence, His voice was almost too good to be true! He then again said, “Tell them for My namesake I will do it.” I knew then He was speaking directly to me, and I was given an assignment for His people. I could not wait to tell you all about! As I laid there a download of His thoughts of what He was going to do for His namesake flooded my spirit. I felt such excitement for His people who had been waiting for their promises, breakthroughs, and miracles to manifest! I knew so many were going to see the Breaker breaking through what looked impossible, breaking through all confinements and manifesting what He told them He would do (Micah 2:13). I knew many were going to see the King of Glory in ways they have never imagined, and it would change them and their families for generations (Ephesians 3:20-21). I knew the things His people were decreeing, yet for a long time not seeing any sign of them were getting ready to be established. (Job 22:28). I knew joy and laughter were coming to you and your household (Isaiah 35:10). I knew miracles of physical healing, prodigals coming home, families restored, marriages resurrected, vindication, recompense, and so much more was about to manifest. I knew the flipping of the script was about to bring great confusing into the enemy’s camp. I knew I was ready for mine and ready to see yours to! Just writing about this Holy visitation energizes my soul again beyond words! As I laid there for a few moments after hearing His words and all that was revealed to my spirit, I felt this peaceful and deep rest coming over me as He continued standing over me and I began to drift off back to sleep. Shortly after, I heard loud rushing water. I quickly sat up in bed. I looked at my clock and it now said 4:18. I could tell He was not standing over me anymore and my Holy visitation was over. I knew though He was speaking to me through the sound of rushing water. I had to absorb for a few days this time I had with the Lord as I was still so captivated by the moment of that Holy visitation. I knew He was not done speaking. He took me to Isaiah 34:8, “It’s God’s scheduled time for vengeance, the year all Zion’s accounts are settled (The Message Bible). It is the year of recompense (Isaiah 34:8, NASB). The Lord recently had revealed to me that there were events on the schedule marked with swiftly! He said the time, the right time was NOW! He reminded me again that He has scheduled mind blowing events and they were swiftly going to take place. As I sat with the Holy Spirit absorbing Isaiah 34:8, He unctioned me to continue studying. As I began reading Isaiah 35 about Zions happy future, I was awe struck on verses 4-6! The Lord says, ‘Say to the anxious and fearful, “Be strong and never afraid. Look here comes your God! He is breaking through to give you victory! He comes to avenge your enemies. With divine retribution He comes to save you! Then blind eyes will open, and deaf ears will hear. Then the lame will leap like playful deer and the tongue-tied will sing songs of triumph. Gushing water will spring up in the wilderness and streams will flow through the desert” (The Passion Translation).  The sound of the loud rushing water I heard suddenly made sense.

 I heard the Lord say, “Suddenly I am bursting forth, opening the flood gates of Heaven, bringing manifestations of My promises, miracles and unprecedented breakthroughs. I am bringing recompense to those who endured harsh treatment, afflictions against their families, loved ones, ministries, and health. I am delivering those in bondage, and I am bringing completion. Victory time is here! The time of the flipping of the script has now come. It is not coming. It is here, NOW, on My scheduled time. Watch and see what the Lord, your God will do and oh I will certainly do it for My namesake!” See Isaiah 48:11 for another scripture reference.  


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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

The Promise Maker Is The Promise Keeper

Word of the Lord given 04/14/22

For the past few weeks Holy Spirit has drawn me to 1 Samuel 30: 1- 20, where David returns to Ziklag to find his family gone, taken hostage by the enemy and Ziklag burned down. Life as he and his family knew it was gone, unexpectedly.

Many of you found yourselves coming to a Ziglag moment in the last few months, past year, or years when the unexpected gut punches, spiritual blows, and attacks on your family, marriages, loved ones, ministries, health brought you to your knees in disbelief and pain. Your emotions and future hopes were taken hostage. What you thought was your future was taking hostage. However, on your knees crying out to God, He told you some things. He made promises to you. What were those promises my friend? What did God speak to you in your midnight hour? I believe the Holy Spirit is drawing many of you back to those places where in your darkest hour He made you a promise and today He wants you to pick those promises up again, believe again. He is not a man that He should lie, and He makes good on what He says! (Numbers 23:19) Maybe you laid it down because time has passed, because it looks impossible, because the enemy has lied and tried to convince you that you did not hear God correctly, but today my brother, my sister in Christ I urge you to pick the promises back up and begin decreeing them again! The words you decree are like pom-poms to the angels working on your behalf and oh I can sense they are moving mightily right now to bring the manifestations of promises! Cheer them on today! Get excited because it’s recovery time! It’s the time of manifestation! Hallelujah!

For the past six months or so the words “recover all” have been resounding loudly among God’s people. The Lord has revealed we are entering a season of MEGA-recoveries! Holy Spirit has had me zoom in specifically on verses 8, 18, and 19. I asked Him what He was saying in these three scriptures alone. He spoke these words to me, “The Promise Maker is The Promise Keeper.” In verse eight during David’s greatest loss and pain, he sought the Lord, was given instructions and a promise. The Lord told him to pursue, then told him he would not only overtake the enemy, but he would recover all and nothing would be missing. Verses 18 and 19 shows the manifestation of the promise that the Lord spoke. David overtook, he recovered all and took back what was stolen from him. What God did for David, He is going to do for you! He is going to manifest what He promised!

The Holy Spirit says, “This IS your recovery season! Everything that has been stolen from you and held hostage by the enemy, will be given back, nothing missing and that’s a promise I am about to keep! I made you the promise. I am keeping My promise and you WILL see the promise!”

Scriptural references to stand on: Numbers 23:19, Daniel 7:25-26, 1 Samuel 30: 1-20, Isaiah 66:9, Isaiah 55:1, Romans 8:28

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

Can These Dry Bones Live Again?

Can dry bones live again? Can your marriage live again? Can your family live again? Can your dreams live again? Can your ministry live again? Can your hope live again? Can your joy live again? Can anything dead to the point that all flesh is gone, and only dry bones remain live again? OH YES, THEY CAN!!! Again, I say yes they can!

I love when Holy Spirit asks me this question especially right before Resurrection Sunday and truly, I love to answer it! He asked me this on the morning of April 13, 2022. I knew when He asked me the question that He was ready for me to partner with Him on something. I began thinking of families, marriages, individuals, and their destinies. I was excited to partner with Him because it was all about an assignment to tell you that YES IT CAN LIVE AGAIN!

As I have grown in my relationship with the Lord, my prayers and conversations have changed. Over the past year daily I acknowledge Him as the Resurrecting King, and I have found myself in many conversations telling others about Him. Oh, how His resurrecting power has resurrected many things in my life! My dear family in Christ let me remind you that on the third day the Son of God was raised from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:4) On the fourth day Lazarus was raised from the dead. (John 11:43-44) He brought back the Shunammite’s son. (2 Kings 4:34) He can resuscitate and resurrect anything! He is the third day, fourth day, and everyday Ezekiel 37 God! All things are possible with God! (Matthew 19:26)

I do not know what valley of dry bones you are in, but I do know The One who stands in the valley with you. He is not only the God on the mountain, but He is God in the valley of dry bones and my friend there is absolutely nothing too difficult for Him. Do you know that God likes situations that is impossible for man? Do you know they are only set ups so only He can get the glory for it? He is the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow and His miracle working power has not run out! He has a miracle marked with your name on it!

I hear Holy Spirit asking you, “Can these dry bones live again?” I hear Him say, “I am the God of all flesh. Is there anything too difficult for Me? Prophesy life over what looks dead in the natural. Prophesy life over that impossible looking situation. I say prophesy! When you decree My Word, it cannot return to Me void. I love to bring life back to dead, hopeless looking things. When I open graves and bring dead things back to life then the world knows I am the Lord their God, and I will make My name known to the ends of the earth. I want to breathe life upon your marriage, family, ministry, hopes, and dreams. I want to open your grave situation and send it out as a testimony to others for My glory. Your resurrecting story is a ministry I have prepared for you and I am getting ready to unleash it from the grave. Partner with Me and allow me to use you as a living testimony to others so they too will overcome and experience My resurrecting power, love, and faithfulness. Prophesy and watch Me perform a miracle that will be a testimony to the generations to come! For My namesake, I will do it!”

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

Miraculous Recoveries

Recently, on April 16th, I purchased another version of the Bible, the ESV, as I love looking at many versions during my time with Lord. To be honest, I also wanted a large print that was like the one my mother, who was an amazing woman of faith, had in her later years. I love the way the Lord speaks to me through each Scripture and in every version, taking me deeper and deeper.  As I was sitting enjoying my new Bible that evening, I happened to come across the story in 2 Kings 6:1-8 regarding the recovered axe head. Have you ever just had words from the Bible jump off the page and come so alive in the moment? I have, but as many times as I have read this story the words never came forth with so much fire and passion from the Lord! I heard Him clearly say, “Miraculous Recoveries!” Oh, how excited I was to sit in the moment with Him as His words became fire in my belly. Over the past week “miraculous recoveries” have continued to flame within me and now I can no longer contain it. I am on assignment today to tell you to EXPECT “miraculous recoveries!”

Suddenly the axe head that was needed to enlarge space for the students under Elisha’s ministry was gone. Many of you at one time had something or someone very important to you that the Lord had given to you for your destiny, purpose, your family, your marriage, your ministry suddenly gone. You found yourself preparing for the future you had hoped for, the future God showed you regarding that very thing you needed to fulfill the vision God gave you, yet unexpectedly it fell off, was lost or stolen, and it looked like an impossible recovery. Suddenly you were in a crisis. Suddenly your destiny and Kingdom purpose were under attack and being questioned. Suddenly your family suffered deep loss. Suddenly your marriage was impacted by the blows of the enemy. Suddenly your ministry experienced significant warfare and you could not see how you could continue. Suddenly your health declined. Suddenly the future you saw before you that you were working toward came to a stop. Suddenly you went from building to battling. The battle has been fierce, and your axe head has sat at the bottom of a muddy river, and it looked impossible to recover. However, the Lord is saying to you today that He is going to recover what has been lost and stolen! Nothing is impossible to Him! (Luke 1:37) He is intervening in your crisis, and you will see a miraculous recovery!

Recovery means a return to a normal state or regaining possession and control of something that was stolen or lost. A few synonyms for recovery are vindication and redemption. Oh, hear what the Lord is saying to you now! My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord is going to do a miraculous recovery for you! He is going to cause what was lost or stolen to return to you! The Redeemer is going to redeem time lost during the battle against you! You are going to possess once again what rightly belongs to you. He is going to vindicate you. He is going to perform a miraculous recovery on your behalf, right now, in this season, in the land of the living! You will see the outstretched hand of the Lord recover what you need to continue building for His Kingdom. It was lost, but you shall rejoice that you have found it again! Your axe head is being recovered and returned to you! All glory to the sweet name of Jesus!

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

God is Flipping the Script!


As I was sitting with the Lord a few days ago, He began speaking to me about “stories.” I asked Him what He meant, and He said, “I am changing the stories of My battled and bruised people.” He said, “I am flipping the script on the enemy. Many of My people thought the battle was the end and have struggled to hold on to hope. They thought the promises I have for them would not come but look at all the stories I created in My Word in which I flipped the script, and I did come through for My people. Look at each story and see how I brought forth testimonies for My glory. I am doing it again.”


Immediately, story after story began to flood my mind in the Bible. I saw a flipping of the script time and time again. God flipped the script on the men who falsely accused Daniel and had him thrown in the lion’s den. God flipped the script on Nebuchadnezzar for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. I saw another flipping of the script when Lazarus was resurrected from being dead four days. I saw another flipping of the script when Joseph hugged his brothers who sold him into slavery. Story after story throughout God’s word showed me how God continually did a Romans 8:28 and Genesis 50:20 flipping of the script. The ultimate flipping was the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior. With every flipping of the script God brought forth a story for His glory!


My brothers and sisters in Christ, God is about to flip the script for you! That battle that came to your door through a negative doctor’s report, the spouse who walked out on you, the loved one who betrayed you, the attack against the heart of your children, the assassination attack against your character, the warfare that has come against your ministry, is ALL about to flip to your good and for God’s glory. You are going to testify of how God turned it all around, flipped the script on the enemy, brought confusion into the enemy’s camp, gave you the victory and God WILL get the glory! Get ready, because your story is about to change!

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick



Recently I was ministering an encouraging word to those who were standing for the restoration and reconciliation of their Kingdom marriages. As I was ministering, the word “shocked” began to flow from the depths of my spirit. I became so excited by the word the Lord was telling His people. He began to tell me, “A shockwave of My glory is coming.” Since that day there has not been a day that went by in which I would not continue to hear the words, “A shockwave of My glory is coming.” I knew God was wanting His people to know what He was saying so I began to ask Him what exactly He wanted His people to hear. He said, “A shockwave of My glory is coming.” He then took me deeper.

Over the past few months, I have felt a shift in the spirit realm. I knew deep within me that we have all come to a Kairos season of seeing long awaited promises and prayers answered that could only be done by the hand of God. It was a time to see the manifestation of what the enemy has been contending against. For the past year, the Lord has repeatedly told me that He would be coming with a wave of His glory that would impact families, communities, government, churches, and nations. Over the past few weeks, He has clearly decreed, “A shockwave of My glory is coming.” He has been saying in the recent weeks and months there is a flipping of the script, a change in stories, miraculous recoveries, unprecedented miracles, Divine turn arounds, recompense, restoration, and resets coming. Family, those days are here! We are in the days of great revivals breaking out everywhere and both God’s people and the enemies of God will be shocked by the wave of His glory that will impact families, communities, government, churches, and nations.

I looked up the word shocked, studied it and dove deep into His Word to find the words He was wanting me to release to His people, to you, for such a time as this. He had me write down the following synonyms: excitement, encounter, amazed, astonished, stunned, blown away, impact, bombshell, eye-opener, and confusion. Just writing those words down in my time with Him began a deep stirring and excitement of this shockwave of His glory! I hope you are getting excited! I can tell you hell is not excited and has become very confused!

He led me to the story of Elijah. He showed me as in the days of Elijah, so are we in the days of miraculous miracles and seeing people who have listened to false gods and have denied God and His ways be silenced.

The miracle of fire consuming the burnt offering, the wood, the stones, the dust, and leaving no water in the trench is about to be seen in the land of the living once again. God is about to bring a shockwave of His glory upon the United States and those who have denied Him, and His ways are going to experience 1 Kings 18:39 as they fall on their faces acknowledging He is God! This shockwave of His glory is going to reverse laws that were set by people who were fooled by the lies of the enemy, and they will know He is all powerful and His ways will prevail. All those who mocked the people of God who have prayed and fought for change in America to bring God back into it will be silenced as truth is exposed and their power is taking away from them. Confusion is going to hit the White House as the shockwave of God’s glory begins to turn things around and expose things that have been hidden. Those who denied God and denied His ways to gain votes and popularity will be put to shame, but God will use their shame to turn even their hearts back to Him.

He began to show me His heart for the church and families. He revealed that many churches have stopped preaching truth out of fear of losing the gain in the offering buckets and the accolades of man. He said, “I am going to stun those who have forgotten how to preach truth that sets My people free and draws others unto Me. I am going to take center stage once again.” He revealed to me that His anointing had lifted off many because they have strayed toward the things and the ways of the world system, but this shockwave of His glory will cause leaders who strayed to come back to the altar themselves.

He showed me this shockwave of His glory was filled with miracles of prodigal sons and daughters that seemed far too lost returning to Him and then to their loved ones. He showed me this shockwave of His glory was filled with miracles of restoration and reconciliation of Kingdom marriages. He showed me this shockwave of His glory was filled with doctors changing their reports to “unexplainable.” He showed me this shockwave of His glory was filled with His resurrection power of seeds that had fallen to the ground and died. He said, “It is harvest time and I am answering in an Amos 9:11-15 way.”

Hallelujah! Family this is a time of God taking what has been ruined and torn down and rebuilding! Families, marriages, souls, and ministries are all going to encounter The God of Ephesians 3:20!

The Lord has spoken deeply to me though Acts 12:1-16 the past several weeks regarding the imprisonment of Peter and his miraculous escape. Peter had a Divine intervention, a miraculous escape from prison and then showed up at the door of people who had been praying for him. Rhoda was so stunned with excitement that rather than open the door she ran to tell those who were in the house praying. The others who had been praying thought Rhoda was out of her mind, but the miracle was still knocking at the door, so they opened the door and was astonished, amazed, and blown away by surprise! It was a “too good to be true” moment! Verse 16 in the Passion translation says, “When they finally opened it, they were SHOCKED to find Peter standing there.” The Lord says, “I have heard My people pray, but the way I am going to answer them will cause them to be amazed with a too good to be true and I will stun them with My glory. They will testify of My glory in their miraculous recoveries, in their changed stories and others will come to know Me through the joy they spread of the good that I have done for them. This shockwave of My glory will change them forever and those around them forever.”

He took me back to over a year ago when I discovered the song by Brandon Lake, “Show Me Your Glory.” I began worshipping to this song daily. I would be crying out for Him to show me His glory. I cried out for others to see His glory. I was so hungry for revival. I was wanting to experience Him in deeper ways. He revealed to me there has been a mighty army that has also been crying out for His glory. He said, “I have heard My people and I am answering not just with a wave of My glory, but a shockwave. I am turning tears of pain into tears of too good to be true. I am giving them back their land. This wave of My glory is filled with recompense, restoration, miracles, Divine reversals, Divine resets, miraculous recoveries, flipping of the script, and resurrection of buried seeds.” Family be expecting! Enjoy the wave! Glory to God!

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