
The day after it looked like all hope was gone. The day after the crisis. The day after the loss. The day after the unthinkable. The day after the burial. The One they loved the most was no longer around. Many sat in pain and heartbreak in that Silent Saturday. They experienced grief beyond words. They felt helpless and hopeless. They were unsure whether what was promised would come to be. Hearts sat in hope deferred. However, there was a miracle that was on the horizon on the third day. They just had to wait for it.

Family, I feel the heart of our Lord and Savior for you today. I am compelled to encourage you. Christ endured the battle of crucifixion, but the battle came to an end as He said, “It is finished.” However, life was about to begin again and be greater than before.

I know many of you have had to endure a fierce battle in your family and marriages. I know many of you struggle to see how things can turn around, how you will love, laugh, and live life with joy again. I know your hearts have had to endure excruciating pain. Pain that only the Lord knows the depth of and that had you on your knees and tears that were shed countless times behind closed doors. Your hearts have known hope deferred in the wait to see God’s resurrection power in that situation or relationship that became a seed buried and dead in the ground.

I hear the Lord say to you today, “It is finished.” Your season of affliction is finished. The battle against your soul, your family and your marriage are finished. Now is the time for your third day. The days of silence in the wait for the fulfillment of the promise is over. That same power that raised Christ from the dead is still in operation today.

That seed that was buried and dead will come back to life. You will live again. You will laugh again. Your heart will beat again. Your marriage will live again. Your family will live again. You will be happy again, because God's resurrection power on that third day 2000 plus years ago is working on your behalf to bring you your third day.

There was a finish to the battle and there was also a powerful resurrecting restart. Life came out of that tomb. Life began again. He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever more. He sees you family. He has not forgotten you. Your miracle is on the horizon. Your third day is near. You will see His resurrection power and life for you will be greater than before. Family, God’s resurrection power is not just for a three-day period once a year. He is the God of resurrection every day! Your third day resurrection testimony is coming! Just wait for it for it will surely come! Habakkuk 2:3
