The Pieces of the Puzzle are Coming Together!


Recently I took my little girls to the park. At this park there is a beautiful flower garden in front of the playground. I had noticed this day there were some broken bricks on a picnic table in which at one time were used as a wall around the entrance of the playground and each brick had a child’s handprint on it. I noticed there were several pieces of the bricks missing and thought to myself that they would not be able to restore the bricks and would have to simply replace the bricks. The girls and I began to walk toward the flower garden and within the garden which is a distance from where the bricks on the wall had broken, I looked down and saw a tiny piece of one of the bricks. From that moment on the girls and I decided to walk around the area looking for pieces of the missing bricks. They love to treasure hunt and this time I found myself enjoying the hunt. We found big pieces, small pieces, and very tiny pieces throughout the park. We had taken what we gathered and placed the pieces on the picnic table where someone else had placed a few other pieces. As I looked down at the table with all the pieces of broken bricks, I heard the Lord say, “I am bringing the pieces of the puzzle together.” I realized in that moment the whole time we were hunting and carefully looking for pieces of the bricks and many of them found under dirt and grass we were combing through that the Lord was showing me what He was doing for His people. The girls and I sat at the table and with excitement and determination we began to connect the pieces of the bricks together. As we were able to connect many pieces of the broken bricks together there was one brick in which we had found every piece and connected each piece in which the brick lacked not one broken piece! As I looked at the handprint on this brick that was restored, I heard the Lord say again, “I am bringing the pieces of the puzzle together. By My hand I am doing this. I am restoring all that has been lost, stolen and tore down by the enemy with nothing missing.”

My brothers and sisters in Christ I do not know what promise you have waited for to come into fruition or what it is that you have been trying to figure out how it could possibly work out but let me assure you the Lord is bringing what He promised you into fruition. What has looked impossible and would never happen in the natural is coming together like pieces of the puzzle by the very hand of the Lord. He knows which pieces of the puzzle is needed and where they are to bring about a Kairos moment that you have hoped for and stood in faith for. Family, the puzzle pieces are coming together, and I decree you shall see the glory of the Lord in the completion of what He started. See Romans 8:28, 1 Samuel 30:18-19, Isaiah 64:3-4, Jeremiah 33:6-7, Philippians 1:6, and Luke 1:37 for standing Scriptures




I will hasten My Word