
If you have been standing on a promise from the Lord and have felt battle weary, then this word is for you. The Lord has been showing me that many are wore out and some were giving up fighting the good fight of faith because the promises have been under such contention. I say to you family, do not give up, stay strong, do not lose your courage, for you are getting ready to reap the reward of your faith! 1 Timothy 1:18 encourages us to keep the prophesies decreed over our lives and to use those prophesies as weapons to wage in the spiritual warfare. You must continue to decree by faith those prophesies spoken over you, those promises given to you by God for the time of establishment is NOW in fulfillment. A woman who gives birth has that one last push before her baby is born. I believe your final push has come and you are about to see the fulfillment of the promise!  

My brothers and sisters in Christ, that promise you have been waiting on is NOW in its time of fulfillment says the Lord! The enemy wants you to wear out and back out of the race. Stay in faith! Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” I know how hope deferred can make the heart sick, but I also know that a promise fulfilled awakens the soul. I believe the Lord is getting ready to bring you an awakening that is going to change your life, your family, your marriage, and your ministry forever. This is your due season to reap from those tears you have sown.

Daniel 7:25-26 speaks of the enemy trying to wear the saints out to make alterations in times. We know the enemy had been given a little time according to the Scripture and we also know the time comes when judgement comes, and the enemy loses. Daniel 7:27 shows the shift in the warfare and all power and dominion is given to the people of God. Family, I hear the Lord saying to you today, “The shift is here. The shift is now and the promise I gave you shall no longer be delayed. I have decreed judgement and that which you lost or was stolen from you, that promise I made you is being placed in your hands. No more contention over the promise. It is time for your victory to be seen upon the earth and for you to testify.”

For a few weeks the Lord has been showing me ashes from the wicked under the feet of His people; however, they are just not under their feet, God’s people are dancing on the ashes. Family, we are getting ready to enter the Jewish Year 5783 in September. 5783 is The Year of Gimmel. Gimmel means a time of retribution, reward, justified repayment, recompense, vindication, and judgement! Can you perceive the season? Daniel 7:26 says, the court will sit for judgement and satan’s dominion will be taken away and destroyed forever. Here what the Lord is saying to you family! The time of the rewards for your faith and judgement against the wicked is here. Again, I ask, can you perceive the season? God is flipping the script on the enemy and making the wicked ashes under your feet to dance upon in victory and with the joy of the Lord! Not only is the battle over, but that which was lost or stolen from you is getting placed back in your hand! You are getting ready to recover all and God is going to reward your faith in Him and repay you for all that has been robbed from you!

Family, the days of affliction are coming to an end, and you are stepping into a new season! The attack on you, your home, your marriage, your children, your reputation, your health, your ministry is being overturned and placed under your feet as ashes to be danced upon. The Lord is going to bring vindication and He is going to restore all that was stolen, rebuild what the enemy tore down and give you recompense. You were crushed by despair, but the Lord is acting on your behalf and your mourning shall become praises. My brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord our God, shall suddenly, swiftly act on your behalf and bring a crushing to the enemy leaving only ashes under your feet. Get your dancing shoes on and get ready for Gimmel! Get ready for vindication, recompense, restoration, and more faith rewards!

(See 2 Chronicles 15:7, Romans 12:12, Isaiah 66:9, Proverbs 13:12, Malachi 4:2-3, Romans 16:20, Joel 2:25 as standing Scriptures)




Prophetic Word for Kingdom Standers


The Pieces of the Puzzle are Coming Together!