I will hasten My Word


Recently the Holy Spirit has been speaking the word “hasten” within my spirit. As I sat with the Lord a few days ago, “hasten” once again came to my spirit. I then heard the Lord speak, “I am bringing about your suddenly, sooner than you expected. I will hasten My Word to perform it.” Immediately I knew this was an encouraging word for you, my brother and sister in Christ. The Lord highlighted Jeremiah 1:12 from the KJV. I feel compelled to tell you, my family in Christ that which you have believed the Lord for and have stood in faith for, the Lord is getting ready to bring into full fruition, suddenly and unexpectedly. The decrees the Lord has made over you are about to suddenly happen before your eyes (Isaiah 48:3).  The enemy has tried to convince many of you the promise you have been standing on, waiting for would never be fulfilled, but the enemy is a liar, and that promise is going to be fulfilled because it cannot return to the Lord unfulfilled (Isaiah 55:10-11). Your eyes have not seen nor have your ears heard of the unexpected fulfillment of the promise the Lord has for you (1 Corinthians 2:9, Isaiah 64:3-4). I sense many of you have battled discouragement because the wait has been long, but I also feel to tell you the Lord is going to turn your disappointment into a joyful shout as He brings a sudden breakthrough that will turn everything around for you (Proverbs 13:12). The Lord says, “The delay is over. I will perform My Word. I have spoken and NOW I will act as I am a Keeper of My Word” (Ezekiel 12:28). Now to Him who  will do far beyond what we dreamed of and to Him be the glory forever (Ephesians 3:20).   


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