Get Ready For A Spring Kiss From God

Word of the Lord given in the early morning of 04/01/22

"Threats of violence will no longer be heard in your land, nor will destruction and ruin be found within your borders. You will name your walls Salvation and your gates Praise.”—Isaiah 60:18

"I am Yahweh, and when the right time comes, I will accomplish it swiftly!”—Isaiah 60:22

Many of you endured a harsh winter. The battle against your destiny, your family, your health, your loved ones has been brutal, but the season of violence against you, your family, your loved ones, your health, your soul is over. You stood still even in the midst of pain and now you shall see the salvation of the Lord (Exodus 14:13). The enemies you have seen you will never see again. Winter is over. Spring is here. The time, the right time is NOW. Ecclesiastes 3:1–there is a time for every event under Heaven. Your event is on the schedule marked with swiftly. Resets, recoveries, restorations, reconciliations, recompense, redemption, resurrections and rest has come and you shall be overtaken with tears of joy. The weeping has come to an end. The seeds of tears are about to swiftly be seen in new beginnings sprouting forth. Suddenly God will act. Suddenly it will come to pass.—Isaiah 48:3. Get ready for a Spring kiss from God!


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For His Name Sake He Will Do It!