For His Name Sake He Will Do It!

At 3:48 on the morning of April 4, 2022, I woke up to the strong presence of the Lord. Immediately, I was captivated by His presence. I could feel Him standing over me and oh how I wish I could have also seen His face, but He was there, and this was the Holy visitation He was telling me of for the last few months that was coming. I heard Him say, “For My namesake I will do it.” I was speechless! His presence, His voice was almost too good to be true! He then again said, “Tell them for My namesake I will do it.” I knew then He was speaking directly to me, and I was given an assignment for His people. I could not wait to tell you all about! As I laid there a download of His thoughts of what He was going to do for His namesake flooded my spirit. I felt such excitement for His people who had been waiting for their promises, breakthroughs, and miracles to manifest! I knew so many were going to see the Breaker breaking through what looked impossible, breaking through all confinements and manifesting what He told them He would do (Micah 2:13). I knew many were going to see the King of Glory in ways they have never imagined, and it would change them and their families for generations (Ephesians 3:20-21). I knew the things His people were decreeing, yet for a long time not seeing any sign of them were getting ready to be established. (Job 22:28). I knew joy and laughter were coming to you and your household (Isaiah 35:10). I knew miracles of physical healing, prodigals coming home, families restored, marriages resurrected, vindication, recompense, and so much more was about to manifest. I knew the flipping of the script was about to bring great confusing into the enemy’s camp. I knew I was ready for mine and ready to see yours to! Just writing about this Holy visitation energizes my soul again beyond words! As I laid there for a few moments after hearing His words and all that was revealed to my spirit, I felt this peaceful and deep rest coming over me as He continued standing over me and I began to drift off back to sleep. Shortly after, I heard loud rushing water. I quickly sat up in bed. I looked at my clock and it now said 4:18. I could tell He was not standing over me anymore and my Holy visitation was over. I knew though He was speaking to me through the sound of rushing water. I had to absorb for a few days this time I had with the Lord as I was still so captivated by the moment of that Holy visitation. I knew He was not done speaking. He took me to Isaiah 34:8, “It’s God’s scheduled time for vengeance, the year all Zion’s accounts are settled (The Message Bible). It is the year of recompense (Isaiah 34:8, NASB). The Lord recently had revealed to me that there were events on the schedule marked with swiftly! He said the time, the right time was NOW! He reminded me again that He has scheduled mind blowing events and they were swiftly going to take place. As I sat with the Holy Spirit absorbing Isaiah 34:8, He unctioned me to continue studying. As I began reading Isaiah 35 about Zions happy future, I was awe struck on verses 4-6! The Lord says, ‘Say to the anxious and fearful, “Be strong and never afraid. Look here comes your God! He is breaking through to give you victory! He comes to avenge your enemies. With divine retribution He comes to save you! Then blind eyes will open, and deaf ears will hear. Then the lame will leap like playful deer and the tongue-tied will sing songs of triumph. Gushing water will spring up in the wilderness and streams will flow through the desert” (The Passion Translation).  The sound of the loud rushing water I heard suddenly made sense.

 I heard the Lord say, “Suddenly I am bursting forth, opening the flood gates of Heaven, bringing manifestations of My promises, miracles and unprecedented breakthroughs. I am bringing recompense to those who endured harsh treatment, afflictions against their families, loved ones, ministries, and health. I am delivering those in bondage, and I am bringing completion. Victory time is here! The time of the flipping of the script has now come. It is not coming. It is here, NOW, on My scheduled time. Watch and see what the Lord, your God will do and oh I will certainly do it for My namesake!” See Isaiah 48:11 for another scripture reference.  



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