The Promise Maker Is The Promise Keeper

Word of the Lord given 04/14/22

For the past few weeks Holy Spirit has drawn me to 1 Samuel 30: 1- 20, where David returns to Ziklag to find his family gone, taken hostage by the enemy and Ziklag burned down. Life as he and his family knew it was gone, unexpectedly.

Many of you found yourselves coming to a Ziglag moment in the last few months, past year, or years when the unexpected gut punches, spiritual blows, and attacks on your family, marriages, loved ones, ministries, health brought you to your knees in disbelief and pain. Your emotions and future hopes were taken hostage. What you thought was your future was taking hostage. However, on your knees crying out to God, He told you some things. He made promises to you. What were those promises my friend? What did God speak to you in your midnight hour? I believe the Holy Spirit is drawing many of you back to those places where in your darkest hour He made you a promise and today He wants you to pick those promises up again, believe again. He is not a man that He should lie, and He makes good on what He says! (Numbers 23:19) Maybe you laid it down because time has passed, because it looks impossible, because the enemy has lied and tried to convince you that you did not hear God correctly, but today my brother, my sister in Christ I urge you to pick the promises back up and begin decreeing them again! The words you decree are like pom-poms to the angels working on your behalf and oh I can sense they are moving mightily right now to bring the manifestations of promises! Cheer them on today! Get excited because it’s recovery time! It’s the time of manifestation! Hallelujah!

For the past six months or so the words “recover all” have been resounding loudly among God’s people. The Lord has revealed we are entering a season of MEGA-recoveries! Holy Spirit has had me zoom in specifically on verses 8, 18, and 19. I asked Him what He was saying in these three scriptures alone. He spoke these words to me, “The Promise Maker is The Promise Keeper.” In verse eight during David’s greatest loss and pain, he sought the Lord, was given instructions and a promise. The Lord told him to pursue, then told him he would not only overtake the enemy, but he would recover all and nothing would be missing. Verses 18 and 19 shows the manifestation of the promise that the Lord spoke. David overtook, he recovered all and took back what was stolen from him. What God did for David, He is going to do for you! He is going to manifest what He promised!

The Holy Spirit says, “This IS your recovery season! Everything that has been stolen from you and held hostage by the enemy, will be given back, nothing missing and that’s a promise I am about to keep! I made you the promise. I am keeping My promise and you WILL see the promise!”

Scriptural references to stand on: Numbers 23:19, Daniel 7:25-26, 1 Samuel 30: 1-20, Isaiah 66:9, Isaiah 55:1, Romans 8:28


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