Can These Dry Bones Live Again?

Can dry bones live again? Can your marriage live again? Can your family live again? Can your dreams live again? Can your ministry live again? Can your hope live again? Can your joy live again? Can anything dead to the point that all flesh is gone, and only dry bones remain live again? OH YES, THEY CAN!!! Again, I say yes they can!

I love when Holy Spirit asks me this question especially right before Resurrection Sunday and truly, I love to answer it! He asked me this on the morning of April 13, 2022. I knew when He asked me the question that He was ready for me to partner with Him on something. I began thinking of families, marriages, individuals, and their destinies. I was excited to partner with Him because it was all about an assignment to tell you that YES IT CAN LIVE AGAIN!

As I have grown in my relationship with the Lord, my prayers and conversations have changed. Over the past year daily I acknowledge Him as the Resurrecting King, and I have found myself in many conversations telling others about Him. Oh, how His resurrecting power has resurrected many things in my life! My dear family in Christ let me remind you that on the third day the Son of God was raised from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:4) On the fourth day Lazarus was raised from the dead. (John 11:43-44) He brought back the Shunammite’s son. (2 Kings 4:34) He can resuscitate and resurrect anything! He is the third day, fourth day, and everyday Ezekiel 37 God! All things are possible with God! (Matthew 19:26)

I do not know what valley of dry bones you are in, but I do know The One who stands in the valley with you. He is not only the God on the mountain, but He is God in the valley of dry bones and my friend there is absolutely nothing too difficult for Him. Do you know that God likes situations that is impossible for man? Do you know they are only set ups so only He can get the glory for it? He is the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow and His miracle working power has not run out! He has a miracle marked with your name on it!

I hear Holy Spirit asking you, “Can these dry bones live again?” I hear Him say, “I am the God of all flesh. Is there anything too difficult for Me? Prophesy life over what looks dead in the natural. Prophesy life over that impossible looking situation. I say prophesy! When you decree My Word, it cannot return to Me void. I love to bring life back to dead, hopeless looking things. When I open graves and bring dead things back to life then the world knows I am the Lord their God, and I will make My name known to the ends of the earth. I want to breathe life upon your marriage, family, ministry, hopes, and dreams. I want to open your grave situation and send it out as a testimony to others for My glory. Your resurrecting story is a ministry I have prepared for you and I am getting ready to unleash it from the grave. Partner with Me and allow me to use you as a living testimony to others so they too will overcome and experience My resurrecting power, love, and faithfulness. Prophesy and watch Me perform a miracle that will be a testimony to the generations to come! For My namesake, I will do it!”


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