Miraculous Recoveries

Recently, on April 16th, I purchased another version of the Bible, the ESV, as I love looking at many versions during my time with Lord. To be honest, I also wanted a large print that was like the one my mother, who was an amazing woman of faith, had in her later years. I love the way the Lord speaks to me through each Scripture and in every version, taking me deeper and deeper.  As I was sitting enjoying my new Bible that evening, I happened to come across the story in 2 Kings 6:1-8 regarding the recovered axe head. Have you ever just had words from the Bible jump off the page and come so alive in the moment? I have, but as many times as I have read this story the words never came forth with so much fire and passion from the Lord! I heard Him clearly say, “Miraculous Recoveries!” Oh, how excited I was to sit in the moment with Him as His words became fire in my belly. Over the past week “miraculous recoveries” have continued to flame within me and now I can no longer contain it. I am on assignment today to tell you to EXPECT “miraculous recoveries!”

Suddenly the axe head that was needed to enlarge space for the students under Elisha’s ministry was gone. Many of you at one time had something or someone very important to you that the Lord had given to you for your destiny, purpose, your family, your marriage, your ministry suddenly gone. You found yourself preparing for the future you had hoped for, the future God showed you regarding that very thing you needed to fulfill the vision God gave you, yet unexpectedly it fell off, was lost or stolen, and it looked like an impossible recovery. Suddenly you were in a crisis. Suddenly your destiny and Kingdom purpose were under attack and being questioned. Suddenly your family suffered deep loss. Suddenly your marriage was impacted by the blows of the enemy. Suddenly your ministry experienced significant warfare and you could not see how you could continue. Suddenly your health declined. Suddenly the future you saw before you that you were working toward came to a stop. Suddenly you went from building to battling. The battle has been fierce, and your axe head has sat at the bottom of a muddy river, and it looked impossible to recover. However, the Lord is saying to you today that He is going to recover what has been lost and stolen! Nothing is impossible to Him! (Luke 1:37) He is intervening in your crisis, and you will see a miraculous recovery!

Recovery means a return to a normal state or regaining possession and control of something that was stolen or lost. A few synonyms for recovery are vindication and redemption. Oh, hear what the Lord is saying to you now! My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord is going to do a miraculous recovery for you! He is going to cause what was lost or stolen to return to you! The Redeemer is going to redeem time lost during the battle against you! You are going to possess once again what rightly belongs to you. He is going to vindicate you. He is going to perform a miraculous recovery on your behalf, right now, in this season, in the land of the living! You will see the outstretched hand of the Lord recover what you need to continue building for His Kingdom. It was lost, but you shall rejoice that you have found it again! Your axe head is being recovered and returned to you! All glory to the sweet name of Jesus!


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