God is Flipping the Script!


As I was sitting with the Lord a few days ago, He began speaking to me about “stories.” I asked Him what He meant, and He said, “I am changing the stories of My battled and bruised people.” He said, “I am flipping the script on the enemy. Many of My people thought the battle was the end and have struggled to hold on to hope. They thought the promises I have for them would not come but look at all the stories I created in My Word in which I flipped the script, and I did come through for My people. Look at each story and see how I brought forth testimonies for My glory. I am doing it again.”


Immediately, story after story began to flood my mind in the Bible. I saw a flipping of the script time and time again. God flipped the script on the men who falsely accused Daniel and had him thrown in the lion’s den. God flipped the script on Nebuchadnezzar for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. I saw another flipping of the script when Lazarus was resurrected from being dead four days. I saw another flipping of the script when Joseph hugged his brothers who sold him into slavery. Story after story throughout God’s word showed me how God continually did a Romans 8:28 and Genesis 50:20 flipping of the script. The ultimate flipping was the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior. With every flipping of the script God brought forth a story for His glory!


My brothers and sisters in Christ, God is about to flip the script for you! That battle that came to your door through a negative doctor’s report, the spouse who walked out on you, the loved one who betrayed you, the attack against the heart of your children, the assassination attack against your character, the warfare that has come against your ministry, is ALL about to flip to your good and for God’s glory. You are going to testify of how God turned it all around, flipped the script on the enemy, brought confusion into the enemy’s camp, gave you the victory and God WILL get the glory! Get ready, because your story is about to change!


Miraculous Recoveries
