
Today, I had a vision of a beautiful piece of wood, and I heard the word “reclaimed.” I knew at once this was a word for those who have endured loss. I heard the Lord say, “My people shall reclaim what was lost. They will recover what the enemy took from them as it is being returned to them.”

To reclaim means to retrieve or recover. This fresh word from the Lord excited me as a few weeks ago, I heard the Lord say, “It is time to retrieve.” For a year now, the Lord has also been showing me that His people were in a recover all season. Someone needs to know that just because 2022 ended, your season of recovery has not! God is not done! The Holy Spirit has highlighted Joel 2:25 for 2023 for those who have endured loss and have been waiting for the recovery. I hear Him saying, “I will make it up to you this year.”

As reclaimed continued to resound within me, I began to see individuals reclaiming their joy, peace, hope, prayer lives, health, purpose in life, and relationships that the enemy took captive. I saw families reclaim unity and reconciliations take place both to God and to one another. I saw marriages reclaim vows and promises made, yet broken, being restored. I saw the Lord taking marriages and families that were worn out and filling them all with new life. I saw the Lord taking what looked useless and hopeless and reviving it, bringing forth a usefulness and hope that will inspire many others as they saw what the Lord had done. Holy Spirit has highlighted Philemon 1:11-12, “who formerly was useless to you, but now is useful both to you and me. I have sent him back to you in person, which is sending my very heart.” These scriptures show both something reclaimed and returned. Just as I typed those words, I once again hear the Lord saying, “It is homecoming season for the prodigals.” Hallelujah!

I saw church leaders reclaim their courage and faith and rather than the fear of man and loss of memberships, they began to preach the Word of God that exposed sin that was destroying individuals, marriages, and families. I saw those who have been silent because of fear reclaiming their voice. I saw the Lord taking everything that once had a purpose, then lost its purpose find purpose again.

Holy Spirit has also highlighted 1 Samuel 30:1-20. I believe what He is saying to those of you who went from victory to loss of something precious to you and the battle your soul endured from it, that your victory is being reclaimed and you will have full recovery, plus more (see Ephesians 3:20). What He did for David and his house, He will do for yours! I hear an abundance of testimonies coming; retrievals, recoveries, restorations, reconciliations, and resurrections are in store for you. You are reclaiming it all!



