
The Lord is saying in this hour this is the year the remnant will roar louder and say, “enough is enough.” This is the year the remnant is rising with a roar louder than ever and with a hammer in their hands. The hammer will be used to slay ever giant that has operated in the lives of individuals, families, marriages, and government. The hammer is bringing defeat to every demonic principality that has brought strife, division, perversion, violence of every kind to the innocent both born and unborn and corruption that has brought oppression against God’s people. The Lord long ago decreed “enough is enough” and now in the land of the living, the remnant is echoing His words. This agreement between the Lord and His people has now established 2023 as the set time to repay evil for evil and for those who have wept in tears to reap their rewards. Using a rug to cover up sin and generational curses is no longer aloud. The rug is being pulled out and darkness is being exposed. The rise and the roar of restore from the remnant has been seen and heard and the Lord is saying to His people that you will no longer be oppressed. The captives are being set free and will take captive the powers of darkness. The powers of darkness will no longer have the power it has had that has brought oppression to individuals, families, marriages, and the government. Enough is enough!

I heard the Lord say, “The year of 2023 will be like the days of Ezekiel.” Every dead seed that has been buried will now spring forth new life. What looked like it was over is being resuscitated by the resurrection power of God. Families and marriages that were buried because of the spirit of division, divorce, lust, jealousy, anger, unforgiveness are coming back alive, but they will be stronger than they were before. The Lord is removing the stones in hearts as He does an open-heart surgery on those who have allowed sin, bitterness, and unforgiveness to pollute relationships that He has required to be loving and Christ-like. Where there was pride, humility will now be seen. Hearts are coming back to the Lord. Families are coming back to the Lord. Marriages are coming back to the Lord. The nations will come back to the Lord. The valley of dry bones shall see the resurrection power of the Lord this year.

I heard the Lord say, “This will be the year of the overtaken by My glory. This will be the year that generations to come will hear about.” There was a shockwave of God’s glory that began in 2022, but there are still many miracles to be seen and testified of. 2023 will be the year to see the fruit of faith and perseverance. In 2022 many were left with, “It hasn’t happened yet,” but 2023 will be the year they say, “Just like that the Lord did it.” The chapter on the pain and trauma of the past has come to an end and a new chapter is unfolding with the glory of God filling every page.


Scripture references: Judges 4, Ezekiel 37:1-14, John 1:14, John 11:40




Christmas Miracles