Christmas Miracles


The Lord has been speaking to me for the past few months telling me that angels are on assignment. He has said angels are at war bringing battles to an end. He said angels are stirring the waters and within the waters are countless miracles. He has said that angels are going to be visiting His people bringing good news. For many months the Lord has continued to speak to me that miracles were coming to households and these miracles would touch everyone within the house, extended family, and friends. He said all will see His glory.

Family I'm here to tell you that you are about to see the glory of God. Dreams and relationships that appeared dead will be resurrected. Doctors will be astonished at miraculous healings. Wombs will be open to conceive gifts from Heaven. Marriages will experience Divine turnarounds and Divine resets. Those who went astray from God are doing U-turns and returning to God. Seeds that fell into the ground, died and had been buried will suddenly come forth and go forth reaping a harvest for the Kingdom of God. Others are going to come to believe in God because of what they witnessed happen in your life. Others will testify of the amazing miracles they see in your life. John 11:45 says, “from that day forward many of those who had come to visit Mary believed in Him, for they had seen with their own eyes this amazing miracle!” This is your Lazarus and Mary season family! What was impossible to man will be placed on display for God’s glory. Those who doubted that God would intervene, turn it around, breathe new life into it, and restore it will no longer doubt God.

On November the 30th as I was spending time in God’s Word the Holy Spirit highlighted Luke 1:37 for the month of December. For the next few days Holy Spirit continued stirring within me prophetic words He has given me since the beginning of 2022. Then on December 10th, I heard three times within my spirit, “Christmas Miracles.” I was taking back to Amos 9:11-15 immediately and as I have heard for months; I heard the Lord once again say, “miracles upon miracles will be seen in the land and testimonies will come forth.”

On December 12th, as I was resting before the Lord, I was given a vision and, in that vision, I saw within a home a miraculous healing of an individual on a bed who others thought was at their end suddenly stand up. I then saw people gathered around a Christmas tree and they were filled with great joy as there was restoration within their family.  I then saw a woman in the home look out the window and before her eyes, unexpectedly, was a prodigal loved one walking down the driveway. This prodigal physically looked like a mess, but I knew this one had come to their senses and returned to where he belonged. I then saw the family all rejoice together as they were overtaken by one miracle after another. This vision showed me everything the Lord has been speaking to me for months and that I have been prophesying. The vision showed me exactly what the Lord said that He was going to do which was “just like that” manifest the miracles and “all at once” miracle upon miracle would be seen in the land. This vision all took place within one home and in that home was a miracle of healing, restoration, reconciliation, and a return and ALL saw the glory of God!

Family I know that you have been fighting the good fight of faith and I'm here to tell you that because you have hoped against all hope and you have not turned away from the Lord, the Lord our God is going to match His faithfulness with your faith this season. This is your due season. This is a season of miracles. The Lord says, “Christmas Miracles.” Nothing is impossible with God. The Lord says, “I will fill your house with My glory in ways you have never seen before. The latter will be greater than the former.” He says, “tears of joy shall come upon families as I bring their prodigal home. Extra chairs will be placed around tables to make room for the return of loved ones. Where there was once silence at tables from the absence of the prodigals there will be joyful conversations because I, the Lord fulfilled My promise.” He says to those of you who have been sick in your body that, “your sickness is not going to end in death.” He is changing the doctor's report. To those of you who have prayed for a child it is time to get the nursery ready.

Family, I am sharing Scriptures with you in which the Lord has spoken to me and will be standing Scriptures for you. I encourage you to get your Bibles out and sit with our loving Father who is preparing a very Merry Christmas for you. The King of Glory is preparing a glory show and you are the guest of honor. Merry Christmas family!  

Luke 1:37, John 11:40, John 11:45, Genesis 45:15, Haggai 2:5-9, Amos 9:11-15, Jeremiah 32:37-42


