
Last night I had a dream in which I saw a family driving into a church parking lot. The husband and wife got out of their vehicle with their children and as they were walking up to the church door the husband was walking ahead of his family. The husband had a cold look on his face. He seemed as though he was disgusted to have his wife and children with him. He was ignoring them and leaving them behind. Once they entered the door of the church which was a mega church, the husband’s countenance changed. He continued walking ahead of his family and ignoring them. The wife and children were trying to keep up with him. The church was lit up with lights flashing and hundreds of people were standing up with their arms up in the air. I saw the husband go down the aisle and then turn into a row of seats. He was full of excitement and laughter, nothing like his appearance in the parking lot with his family. I saw the husband turn around and raise his hands and give a high 10 to a female behind him. Then all the people began to sit down. The wife along with the children was still standing in the aisle and as she watched her husband give this high 10 to this female in the row behind him, I saw the brokenness of her heart. I saw the wife look at the female in hurt and as she looked at the female behind her husband, I saw the female smiling demonically at the wife. The wife just stood there with her children heartbroken. She then looked over at her husband who had sat down with no extra seats around him. I saw him just look at her and, in his head, I knew he was saying what is your problem. The wife moved through the people that were sitting and walked up to her husband and said, “you are not going to do this to our family. This is wrong.” Everyone was just watching the wife like she had an issue, and they all had a look of gladness on their faces. They were happy to see this woman and her children hurt. They were happy to see the husband abandon and reject his family. The husband being very upset with her stood up and walked her back out to the aisle then he went up a few rows and went to another seat and sat down. The wife again stood in the aisle looking at her very angry husband who also was portraying himself as a victim at this point. She then took her children and told them to tell him goodbye because they were going home, and he was not coming. The husband just looked at the wife and the children and the look on his face spoke the words I wish you all would leave. I then watched the wife take her children and walked out of the church. Every one of the leaders from ushers to door greeters to parking lot attenders ignored the wife and her children as they walked back to their car crushed in spirit. The wife then pulled out of the parking lot leaving the church and as she did the parking lot attenders stood with smiles on their faces continuing to wave others who were coming in while completely ignoring this woman and her children who were leaving.

What I witnessed within the church was not people with their hands raised up in worship but more so like a concert. The people were not there for the prophetic. They were there for a performance. Upon awakening from this dream, I felt very grieved in my spirit for this family. This dream represented the church standing behind a spouse dishonoring his family and marriage covenant. It represented the church turning their eyes from the hurting, because the focus was more on filling rows of people to enjoy the performance. It represented an individual and family being wounded within the church. It represented wolves in sheep clothing who speak of God, but their hearts are not pure, and they carry selfish and evil agendas. It represented the masks that people wear: the spouse was dishonoring and hard-hearted to his family, but around others he made it look like he had it all together and that he was the victim. The parking lot attenders put on the smile as if their church was the perfect place to be, but I know what I saw in the church: performance, deception, witchcraft, accolades of man, and people in leadership positions that was not leading others to Christ but into oppression through tolerance and deception.

The Lord spoke to me, and this is the message He has given me to deliver:

“I have seen what has been within My church and among My people. I am putting an end to the performance. I will longer tolerate the church to remain silent and the church will no longer tolerate sin. I am dealing with leaders within the church who carry their Bible but do not live by it. I am causing leaders who have created performances within My church to pack up their belongs as I am removing them from leadership positions. I will no longer tolerate the church to place a Band-Aid on the pain of My people from broken covenants nor support those who abandon their covenants with the one I joined them to. The marriage crisis within the church started in the pulpit and I, The Chief Cornerstone, am taking back My rightful place. I am a covenant keeping God and I am brining remembrance of this to My church. I am going to deal with those within My church who profess I am their God, but their hearts are unclean, and they have dishonored My name and polluted My truth out of their selfish agendas. I am exposing and removing every spirit of witchcraft within My church that has caused the spirit of division among My people. I am bringing to humility those who stood by and did nothing when I sent My hurting to them. I am unmasking the mask upon the imposters and the wolves in sheep clothing will be exposed. I am exposing false prophets and removing leaders who decree one thing in the pulpit to gain accolades of man, but then lead My people astray as they privately do not lay hold of their pulpit teaching. I am going to deal with those who use some of My Word to tickle the ears of people in the pulpit but ignore the rest of My Word that brings real repentance and restoration. I am bringing judgement to the wicked and those who have disrupted My church with corruption shall be exposed. I am no longer allowing My church to remain silent because I am breaking the silence through deliverers, I have raised up for such a time as this. Time is up for My church to play church and destroy both spiritual houses and the homes of My people. There will be a performance, but it will not be by man this time. I am coming with a shockwave of My glory just as I have decreed long ago. The enemy had a little time, and I gave My people time to repent. Time is up and I am taking back My church and giving it to My people who will stand firm on My Word and not water it down out of fear of man. I am coming with vengeance and deliverance. I have heard the cry of the oppressed and I am bringing deliverance to My people. I am delivering them from the chains the wicked has placed on them. Because they have suffered, I am not only delivering them, but I am also delivering My promises to My people that the wicked has tried to keep from them. This is the hour of great deliverance. This is also an hour to see My restoration power. I am restoring My people back to Me, I am restoring My church, I am restoring everything the enemy has stolen from My people. My people will testify of miraculous restorations as I restore souls and families. Those who stood by and did nothing to bring restoration to marriages I ordained will come to repentance. They have called themselves ordained, but they only participated in the wedding ceremony and coward down as they stood by to observe the attack on the covenant. Again, I am bringing judgement. I am removing leaders who opened the door to sin and celebrated it by continuing to allow it to come in because they kept silent. I am bringing order where there has been disorder. My church will be a place of worship and for the broken. The days of performance and hurting the broken are over as I am doing a new thing. Judgement is here for the wicked and rejoicing is here for My remnant who cried out for this deliverance and restoration. Nothing has gone unnoticed in My eyes. Those who have been oppressed will see that I remember them. None of My Words will be delayed any longer. It is now My performance time,” thus says the Lord.

 Amos 3:8

Amos 4:11-13


Christmas Miracles


Stay in the Game!