Stay in the Game!


1 Timothy 6:12—"Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

Last night I had a prophetic dream from the Lord. In the dream I was on a football field dressed in a football uniform. It was game day, and I was one of the players. As I looked around, I saw thousands of people in the stands. I knew that I was in an uncommon position as it is uncommon for women to play football in the NFL. There was complete silence in the dream at first, but I could discern the thoughts of the people. There were many who were pumped up for gameday and ready to see my team win the game. They were cheerleaders there to cheer for the team they believed in. These ones were not concerned that I was a woman or where I came from. Their focus was on the victory prize. There were also many who was curious about who I was and my ability to stick with the men on my team. These ones had doubt in me. Then there were many who I knew wanted to see me fall and be taken out of the game. These ones were haters. They simply did not want me there or believed I belonged. The game began and the first two quarters were rough. Both teams were determined to win, but what stood out the most was the determination and fight within me. There I was among huge men double my size, but I stayed in the game and hung with them. I was being battled and bruised in this fight for the victory, but each time the opposing team did something against me, I then saw myself throwing touchdown passes and catching passes making a touchdown. At the end of the second quarter, you could tell that all the players on my team were wore out. It was a fierce two quarters. I then saw myself in the locker room at halftime and as the other players left to go back out on the field, I sat there for a minute. I could then hear the crowd talking. Many was saying, “She is coming back. Nothing can take her down.” Others were yelling, “There is no way she is coming back. She can’t handle it.” I thought to myself why do these people not want to see me comeback? Why do they dislike me so much when they don’t know me? Why do they want to see me give up? Why are they so focused on me and not the victory? A fire stirred in me as I knew I was called to this team, and I was not going to let them down. I stood up and headed back to the field.  As I began walking out of the locker room, I was seeing items thrown all over the floor. Those items I knew were there to slow me down from returning to the field and as a deter to my mission which was to fight for my team, fight for those who believed and get our victory. I saw myself leaving the locker room and though still battle weary from the first two quarters and even discouraged by the negative thoughts and words of the people I showed back up. I showed up to finish what I started. I showed up because I knew I was supposed to be in that position and fight with and for my team. Two more quarters came and went and though it was another hard fight for the win, we ended in victory. I saw how the opposing team had no strength to even leave the field. I then saw all the thousands of people begin to leave the stadium. Many were talking and excited about the win. Others walked out saying nothing with their heads down. I could tell many of them looked ashamed and others were simply shocked that we won.

Upon waking up from this dream, I immediately began to ask the Lord the fullness of what He was showing me. Over the next few hours in fellowship with Him, I knew it was not only a message for me, but for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I heard the Lord say, “Stay in the game.” He took me to 2 Samuel 21:15-22 where David went down to fight the Philistines with his servants and David become weary. The war wore him out. Many years earlier David defeated Goliath and now another giant, Ishbi-benob intended to kill David. Rather than stand by and do nothing, Abishai stepped in and stepped up. David’s men then tell David he is not going out again and that they are going to take care of things. One giant was down, but there were three more to go. Time and time again war started up and a giant came once again to try to defeat David and his men, but because they stayed in the game all four giants fell by the hand of David and the hand of his servants (verse 22). Wore out, but they outlasted the enemy and refused to give the enemy their victory. We see a man called, chosen, and positioned as well as a people called, chosen, and positioned around him with purpose. We see a team sticking together. We see a team willing and ready to fight for one another and fight the enemy together.

I believe God is showing us all the importance and power we have when we are on the same team. I believe He is showing us that as a team we are to protect one another and walk in one accord toward all our victory prizes.  Then the Lord took me to Jude 17-25. He revealed to me that myself in the dream also represented others who carry a voice of truth, a love for His people, a Kingdom assignment and are standing on His Word for the promises and salvation of His people. He spoke to me through His Word and showed me the people in the stands who were the doubters and haters represent those who try to cause division, are worldly minded, devoid of the Spirit, and in the flesh. He spoke to me and said, “You must continue fighting for My people and declaring My truth. You must show mercy to those who oppose you and you must also refuse to allow the giants to silence you. Do not allow the attacks of the enemy to cause you to slow down or stumble. Remain in integrity, keep your eyes fixed on your mission, and stay in the game and stick to My gameplan. Like David, you will conquer every giant.”

What the Lord said to me, He is also saying to you! I know I am talking to someone who you carry something different, and the enemy doesn’t like it. Your anointing has attracted giants your whole life. Like David, you defeat one and another one comes out. It is because you are called, chosen, and positioned to do what you are doing. Someone needs to know that the call on your life may seem uncommon due to different factors but look at Deborah in the Book of Judges. It was very uncommon for a female to be a judge in those days! Be you and do the uncommon because it is your Kingdom assignment. Someone needs to know that you must keep standing on God’s truth for the promise and walk in obedience to God, following His gameplan regardless how ridiculous or impossible it may look. You must keep standing even though the enemy continues to try to knock you off your feet with discouragement. Someone needs to know that the enemy is sending giant silencers to silence your voice, because you carry the voice of truth and that is a threat to the enemy. Goliath was not the only giant and as we see he had brothers. Different giants and each brought a different fight, but for the same purpose: to take God’s chosen out of the game. Family stay in the game! No matter how many blows the enemy brings, keep getting up and showing up. Jude 17-25 shows us that it is our duty to fight for God’s truth and fight the good fight of faith for our victories and for His glory!

I was a chosen player because it was my duty to fight for the victory. Regardless of the blows from the enemy, I showed back up because it was bigger than myself. It was for God and His people. I wasn’t alone though even in my weariness, because God had positioned others around me to fight the good fight of faith. He positioned others to help me with the victory for His Kingdom and others who were cheering us on. It was their victory to. It was a victory that belonged to us all. It belonged to the Kingdom of God. Family you are responsible for the enemy’s victory or defeat. You are a chosen player for the Kingdom. How you follow God’s strategies and the choice to show up no matter what determines the enemy’s outcome. Again, stay in the game, bring the victory home for the Kingdom! I am cheering you on with all of Heaven.



