
The enemy had a plot, but God had a plan to bring a surprise twist to his plot and to turn it all around for your good! The Lord says, “Your table is ready!” He also says, “The gallows are ready for the enemy and every principality that came against you.”

Queen Esther knew of the plot by Haman against her people. She did not retreat in fear but rather placed her faith in God. She prepared to stand for what was right. She was humble, prayerful, courageous, and wise. She was so wise that Haman did not see the twist to his plot coming. However, at the very table Haman had thought was his time of promotion was the table God had prepared for his defeat. In that moment at the table the flipping of the script, the Divine overturning, the Divine intervention, and the plot twist was delivered. The very gallows Haman prepared for God's people was to his surprise used for him. I am compelled to tell you that for such a time as this your table is prepared and in the presence of your enemies you shall be crowned with favor and victory. God is going to show His faithfulness to your faith in Him.

My brother and sister in Christ, I do not know what you have had to go through this past season, but I do know we serve a Romans 8:28, a Genesis 50:20, and an Ephesians 3:20 God who always has a plan for our good. This is your due season to sit at the table prepared for you and see God make good on His promise. The battle has been fierce, but the battle has prepared you for the table. I see breakthroughs, miracles, promises fulfilled, restorations, recompense, retribution, prodigals coming home, vindication, and reconciliations upon the tables. I see you at the table the Lord says is ready for you. I see you rejoicing and celebrating the outcome you once hoped for, but now is seen in the land of the living.

Please see Esther 4-7, Hebrews 11:1, Psalm 27:13-14, Numbers 23:19 for standing Scriptures.


Stay in the Game!


Prophetic Word for Kingdom Standers