Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

3, 2, 1…The Wait is Over!


The Lord speaks to me in various ways and sometimes that will include just the title of a movie, a video, or an email. Recently on May 22nd, I received an email from a company in which I did not open, but I saw “3…2…1…Your wait is over” in the subject line. Immediately, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “3, 2, 1…the wait is over.” Immediately, I knew this was a personal word and a global word for the Body of Christ. Several times over the last few weeks I kept hearing “3, 2, 1” in my spirit. I could sense Heaven moving and bringing about sudden releases of that which God’s people had been waiting on. I knew it was regarding the shockwave of His glory coming that He recently spoke to me about and in which He had me release a word to His people. Over the last few days, the Lord has been speaking the words re-establishment, reversing, and restoration to me. Today on June 12th those words hit my spirit with power when I received another email from the same company with the subject line reading, “Your Wait is Over.” Immediately, the Holy Spirit took me back to the email I received on May 22nd, and I knew it was time to sit down once again and write an encouraging NOW word for you my family in Christ from the Lord.

3, 2, 1…the wait is over!

Habakkuk 2:2-3 Then the Lord answered me and said, “Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.” Family the delay is over, and the vision is coming to pass. Many of you have been waiting for the establishment of those precious things the Lord has decreed to you and that you have been decreeing (Job 22:28). You are about to see the Promise Keeper suddenly act on your behalf bringing about the manifestation of that promise. For His namesake He is going to do it (Isaiah 48:3-11). My brothers and sisters in Christ this is your recover all season and suddenly it will spring forth (Isaiah 58:8). Please see Isaiah 57:14-15 for another confirming scripture.

The Lord says, “I, The Lion of Judah, am about to manifest Myself in the land of the living in which all shall see My restoration power. I have been roaring restore, but it is NOW time for the restoration to manifest. I am bringing re-establishment to areas that were once established, but the enemy tore down what was built. I am rebuilding those areas in the lives of My people that were tore down by the attack of the enemy. I am rebuilding homes, families, marriages, ministries, businesses, communities, and governments. I am reversing the damage the enemy has caused and bringing double restoration in the reversal. Divine turnarounds and Divine resets shall be seen. Heavens court has been in session, and I have decreed a veto on the plans of the enemy. Many have experienced an interruption in their lives because of the battle against their homes, families, marriages, health, ministries, and businesses. I am bringing total defeat upon the enemy’s camp and bringing total restoration in the lives of My people who have sought My face and stayed in faith. I am overriding reports given to My people by man. I am causing the hope in My people to reawaken as I breath new life into them and into those areas where the battle has been fierce. I am restoring things back to the original state I had planned all along and in this restoration My people will be getting major upgrades on the things that were stolen from them by the hand of the enemy. I am reviving hearts and homes. I am reviving My church and a revival never seen before will break out across the nations. The cry of My people has been heard and though it looked like the answers to their prayers were in a long delay, I, The Lord, The Lion of Judah, am suddenly about to break forth and fulfill My promises. There shall be no more delay. Suddenly the visions are going to be seen in the land of the living. 3, 2, 1, your wait is over. I have decreed so.”

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Tammy Lynn Burdrick Tammy Lynn Burdrick

Stand Firm—Don’t Retreat


Escaping the hands of Pharaoh after years of slavery the Israelites found themselves in great distress once again as they saw Pharaoh and his army pursuing them as they were pursuing freedom. They stood there at the Red Sea not focusing on the promise on the other side, but rather the problem of slavery that was refusing to let them go. They were not looking at the possible, but rather the impossible looking situation. Rather than stand in faith they wanted to retreat because to them it was easier to live in the problem rather than stand for the promise. The past screamed louder than their future in that moment. Fear was bigger than their faith. However, God did not bring them that far to fail them. Moses told the Israelites who were crying out in fear, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” (Exodus 14:13-14)

I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but stand firm, don’t retreat and just be silent! God is fighting for you! God has not brought you to this day to fail you. He has warring angles fighting for you. Heaven’s headquarters is operating 24/7 on your behalf. He is working everything out for your good (Romans 8:28). He wants you to be still and know He is God (Psalm 46:10). He wants you to know “By My Spirit, I will deliver you from the enemy that is pursuing you and soon you will see the enemy no more.” (Zechariah 4:6, Exodus 14:13) The situation before you may look impossible, but nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). The situation may be shouting it is easier to let go rather than hang on. It may be screaming run back to what was rather than look forward to what lies ahead. It may be yelling God lied to you and He will never come through for you. The enemy is a liar, a deceiver, and enjoys locking God’s people in prisons to lies, discouragement, depression, and feelings of defeat. Let me remind you though that God is not a man that shall lie or change His mind (Numbers 23:19).

What is on the other side of your Red Sea? Is it a miracle of physical healing? Is it the salvation of a loved one? Is it the return of a prodigal loved one? Is it the restoration of your marriage and reconciliation of your family?

Is it deliverance from prescription medication or any other drugs or alcohol? Is it the ministry you were anointed for when God first put you in your mother’s womb? Is it recompense for all you had to go through? What is the promise on the other side of the Red Sea that the enemy has been contending against?

Whatever it is, it is a threat to the enemy or else he would not be trying to surround you and get you to retreat in fear. Whatever God led you to this Red Sea moment for is what the enemy fears you will see and have in the land of the living. So, stand my brother and sister in Christ. Stand firm! Don’t retreat! You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13)!

I sense many of you are standing on the verge of a Red Sea miracle moment and there is a promise from God on the other side of your stance of faith. The enemy would love to see you give up, let go, return to being an emotional slave to the pain, disappointment, failures, mistakes, sin, sickness, and familiarity of the past, but God did not bring you this far to send you back. There is a promise of the future you hope for on the other side (Jeremiah 29:11). The enemy knows your best days are ahead of you. He knows you are on the brink of your breakthrough, cross-over, healing, restoration, and miracle. Therefore, stand firm, don’t retreat, and be silent! The Promise Keeper will deliver you to your promise and deliver you from the enemy of your promise! Imminently you shall see the salvation of the Lord! You shall sing, “For He has triumphed gloriously!” (Exodus 15:1-18)

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